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About なべ

  • Rank
    You know nothing of carrot / I was grown inside a pail
  • Birthday 04/17/90

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  • Chat Nick Nabe
  • Gender Male

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  • Location Canada

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  • Website URL http://www.gofundme.com/34js9g
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Status Feed

  1. なべ

    How do I forum?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more



      I hope this spontaneous musical number answered your question, nabe.

    4. PrimaGaga

      love you guys

    1. なべ

      Get it, play it, love it. Talk to me in chat if you're a poor deadbeat.

  2. なべ

    Mufn caught a whiff of Banana, but only for a second.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cirt


    3. Ganny


    4. Brodongo


  3. なべ

    p.s. if it wasn't obvious yet I can't cast tonight
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. T1g

      yeah no idea about this

    3. pheonix561

      They barely told anyone

  4. なべ

    @PODCASTERS: Let's record, weekend of the 13th.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. T1g

      it would have to be on sunday though. Friday and Saturday I work the club's maid cafe (all proceeds go to fund some anti bullying in schools thing)

    3. Cascade

      13th is fine for me. maybe I'll talk this time... lol.

    4. なべ

      You'll get that cast eventually, whore mouth etc.

  5. なべ

    "Bad Friday" tonight: Passion of the Christ drinking game.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. なべ

      Drink every time Jesus gets hurt.

      Drink every time Mel Gibson makes something up.

      Drink every time Jesus sins.

      Drink every time Voldemort shows up.

      Everyone drinks when one of the viewers calls out events before they happen in the film.

      Everyone drinks when one of the viewers takes the Lord's name in vain during the movie.

  6. なべ

    Catchup showing of Game of Thrones Season 1 before the new season begins! Episode 1 tonight, and again later this week, in justin.tv/nabeshrooms
  7. なべ

    Happy birthday, Tig
    1. pheonix561

      god I hate you

    2. T1g


  8. なべ

    have you ever considered raptorplay
    1. Cascade

      Anderson... I’m sorry, I can’t!

    2. なべ

      I'm considering making a blog, that'll bring people around

    3. なべ

      I'll post a tutorial on egg-laying

  9. なべ

    what happened to you why are you out of the map
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. なべ

      wasn't even talking to you


    3. Cascade

      :( so mean
    4. なべ


  10. なべ

    "And then the floor was zombies"
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cascade

      awwww I missed a muffles stream :'( fml

    3. Fierce Muffin

      lol It's alright, it was at, like, what? 6 AM for you? You need your sleep!! I don't want to be the cause of your not sleep. :(

    4. Cascade

      don't worry I fell asleep around 2AM :))) not your fault! oh well I'll just catch the next muffles stream when that is lol.

  11. なべ

    The stream where the Runaway Five don't get arrested
    1. Fierce Muffin

      Ahaha, the best.

  12. なべ

    I certainly didn't get Skyrim today. As a result of this, podcast editing is currently on schedule, and is entirely uninhibited by dragon murder and general shenanigans.
    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. T1g

      someone hasnt learned the darkest secrets of computer science

    3. なべ

      "I have almost finished my hamburger" ≡ "It is almost true that I have finished my hamburger"

    4. T1g

      man i just want to see this podcast

  13. なべ

    p.s. I exist
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cascade

      yeah naVe go on chat more ;;

    3. なべ

      It's my week off, shush.

  14. なべ

    I dreamt of a forum theme that fused green and white
    1. なべ

      and then I decided to put it in my status to get attention

    2. なべ

      and then I did

  15. なべ

    Muff, I was lying in bed just now when a thought occurred to me. The jerk whale from Fantastic Island is Groose. Even the hair.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. なべ

      But they have thoughts of leaving it and venturing out into the unknown world, a place where everyone else thinks there's nothing.

    3. Fierce Muffin

      You should sue Nintendo, mang.

    4. なべ

      I should. They screwed me with ST and ZF, so this is twice now.

  16. なべ

    Good recording last night, all.
    1. Cascade

      I promise to talk more next time lol :(

    2. pheonix561

      I am so worried that I cannot recover those temp files

    3. T1g

      yeah you talked a lot in the part where you present

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Knuckle

      hey, what if you needed a guest speaker and it was me because I actually know a lot about Zelda Games and stuff?

    3. Knuckle

      but seriously, I would be interested in contributing if needed :)

    4. Sahaqiel

      Agreed. There should be a thread for this.

  17. なべ

    Podcast will be out tomorrow -- blame Audacity.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ganny

      aw, nuts

    3. pheonix561

      I illustrated it!!!!!!!!

  18. なべ

    Recording tonight or tomorrow would be cool.
  19. なべ

    Saha baby
    1. Sahaqiel


    2. T1g


  20. なべ

    Picking a recording date for Hnet Podcast: comment here. @Saha, Muff, Cascade, Pheo (Ganny?)
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. pheonix561

      Doesn't change the fact that he looked at it while he was streaming heo heo heo heo heo heo heo heo

  21. なべ

    Has anyone here ever played a Heroes of Might and Magic game?
    1. MassShadowz

      I played Heroes of Might and Magic 3, it was pretty sweet, and I'm tempted to purchase the new one to see how much it has changed over the years.

    1. T1g

      i am not sure why this is fantastic