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Posts posted by Dark_One

  1. We should totally play the Halloween stuff together

    And make a Halloween server together

    And always play Halloween content

    So pheo can never leave again

    And we'll play forever togetherallthetime

    pheonix561 likes this

  2. The only person I've actually played with here was Pheo, like one time. 


    I was in a game a few years ago with Muffin and Saha but my laptop was crapping out and I couldn't play at all


    But yeah, we should totes do that soon

  3. I probably should have clarified, my week starts Sunday night and ends Friday morning :/

    3rd shift and all that :<

  4. The BASE Jumper was mostly created for the Soldier's new weapon, the Air Strike. For Soldier, it's a secondary, but Demos get it as a primary. I haven't had a chance to use any of the new weapons yet, but the Scout's new weapon is pretty ridiculous, and the Demo's new shield is way too good. Get a kill while charging? Charge is instantly filled again :/


    Also there is a ceiling


    T1G, why haven't we been playing together, I'm always down for TF2. Always. Except during the weekdays, I'm only available from 8 am (Central) to 12 pm :/


    Pheo hurry your butt up and get a good pc so we can play everything together (I'd definitely pocket medic you so you can rain down sticky hell on our enemies :D )


    Missed you guys, I'm out :>

    pheonix561 likes this

  5. Pheo that man on the right has a silly head


    Also pics of my computer, I tried to get in there somewhere but it's pretty hard to maneuver next to this monster properly (It's like 45lb and huge), so I gave up



    Xbox 360 controller for scale. It doesn't do this thing justice, at all.


    Ignore the skull and knife, I had nowhere to put them :/

  6. Guys I built myself a fancy new computer


    I've had the parts since like Tuesday but I've had to clean off my desk and I was really lazy about it


    But I buckled down Friday and just got everything done. So now that I've got my ~$1500 computer set up, I'll almost definitely frequent here more often. And I can probably leave Skype open unless I'm gonna play something online because our internet speeds still suck and Skype eats bandwidth like nothing else, other than maybe the PS3.


    But yeah, I'll be having a blast with this awesome computer. My GPU has 3 fans :D

  7. So I got a Lv 1 Gible from a Wonder Trade from Japan, in return for my Simipour. From what I can tell, the owner named it Fukamaru. Gible's Japanese name. Unless it just stays in their language, which is kinda cool. Also it knows Dragon Breath and Sand Tomb

  8. So last night my car died 2 blocks from my house, on my way to work, so I had to call in. This is after a week of dealing with a failing battery and starter(not shown), to have both replaced friday for like $250. So this morning my friend and I were working on taking out the alternator to have it tested at Auto Zone, then he left and I rode with mom and had them check it out. We had fun trying to get that stupid reservoir out of the way to pull out a bolt holding that 'nator in.


     So we got to AZ and they test it, it fails everything. No output. So I buy a new one, Duralast, with a lifetime warranty, and we go home to get it in. I struggled a bit with lining it up right at first, but I got it. So reservoir back out of the way to get the bolt in, no problems. Got the alternator back in place, and then it was time for the hard part. Getting the serpentine belt back on. Turns out, I hate it. Took like 15 minutes just to get the order figured out, then another 15 to get it on. Then it wasn't even on properly later, but it had just slipped a bit and was easily corrected.


    Got everything hooked back up, mom had gone to the doctor, but her friend came over to help me jump start it. It took some messing around to get the cables to work right, but then it started right up. So happy. I asked him if he knew why my windshield fluid wasn't working, so we took a look at it. The motor worked, so he disconnected the hose and told me to try again. The fluid squirted right over my engine to the pavement below. We figured there was a leak or blockage further up the hose, so I get to have that checked out sometime, woo. 


    Then her friend left, and I came inside to get some sleep before work tonight, but wanted to tell you all this little story of my car troubles.


    Here's the picture I color coded (Not my car, but the same model)


    Knuckle and Sahaqiel like this

  9. games of any sort: "why is this on here why are you not studying"


  10. Guitars can have however many strings you want, but 6 is the most common. Having the extra six strings gives you an extra octave, except for the B and e strings, because for a B to be an octave higher, the string would be so thin and taut that just tuning it would likely break it, and an octave e would just be ridiculous. It would be too small to be heard at all.

    Sahaqiel likes this

  11. So I'm not good at managing money well and bought my fifth guitar last week, it came in the mail on Monday and I've played it a bunch since



    It's a Rogue Herringbone


    Also I should probably mention I bought a car as well, I guess

    A 2003 Ford Taurus SE