Zelda Drottningu

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Posts posted by Zelda Drottningu

  1. ((oh, sorry. Do you want me to edit my post?))

    Elizabeth finally understood what was happening. "Cale, she's been cursed. The armor was cursed!" She eyed the armor carefully in case it should recover and attack. "Now what are we supposed to do? How do we harm armor?"

  2. Yes, I agree, but it was a really stupid descision to do a survey with a lie detector on 14 year old girl about her sex life in the first place.

    Vio Milanor, the girl's mum forced her to do it. That's what shocked me!

  3. "Tch... Little whelp... Do you have any idea who you are dealing with!?" An unknown voice screamed at them in a cracked and raged voice. Elizabeth stumbled back, feeling shocked and frightened. "Cale... what...?"

    Liz lifted her blade in caution, preparing herself for anything that would come their way.

  4. Danielle fell to her knees gasping for air. Thank you." Liz said to the shocked and astounded Ryu.

    She turned to face Danielle. "Do you think she's hurt?" she asked of Cale, but to herself, or dead?

  5. Elizabeth might have been abe to avoid the chains once, but this time she was not so lucky. Seeing them, she tried to jump, but the chains were to quick. They hooked in the curve in her foot, sending her sprawling forward towards the ground.

    Landing, she rolled onto her back, bringing up her sword and blunting the attack that was coming straight towards her.

  6. ((See ya. I've gotta get off too. Going to a school production soon. I'll have time to think about what to write :) ))

  7. Chains were thrown forward towards her, making Liz dive to the floor and roll. Getting to her feet, she let out a sigh of frustration, how much longer will this take. We just want to save Danielle and get out of here.

    Liz charged forward and hacked at the chains beside her, trying to break through the solid metal.

  8. ((Ok, sorry. I didn't want to cause offence.))

    "I saw you looking at the mark on her head before. That wasn't there when she was normal, so that definatly has something to do with it." She looked at The Champion Blade. "That's her sword that you're using right? Maybe we should use it." Liz moved away from Cale and said to him, "We should reverse order, I'll distract and you can attack."

  9. Elizabeth ducked down to grab her blade when Danielle whipped the chains forward, pushing the sword further away. She ran after it, picking it up and arming herself against any attacks.

    Liz ran back over to Cale's side "We attack together. Aim for the underarm."

    ((Er, where's Rurik and Blaine, and will Danielle die or will she have a curse broken or something?))

    ((how do we kill the 'monster' Danielle?))

  10. ((Ok. Sorry))

    Liz fell to the ground in agony. Now at the mercy of Danielle. She rolled to the side to avoid another attack, but landed on her left shoulder where she had been cut and burned by Danielle. Pain shot up her arm, making her cry out. " Cale! Please...help!!!

    ((Oh Pumpkin, why did you say sorry before. I found what you said quite funny. :) ))

  11. Elizabeth saw where Cale was looking and followed his gaze which lead towards a mark over Danielle's left temple. Luckly, the monster Danielle still had not noticed Liz at her feet.

    Taking a chance, Liz grabbed her sword by the hilt and swung it, with as much force as possible, towards the back of Danielle's knee. Although there was armor there, Danielle collapsed forward, landing on her knees.

    Liz got up and pointed her sword at the back of Danielle's head, then pulled it back and swung it forward, hitting her in the left temple with the flat of her sword.

    ((Is this alright?)

  12. ((Ummmm...? Lovely post. It's so very gentle and kind! (Sarcasm)))

    As soon as Liz had torn off it's helmet, she reconized the face immediatly. Danielle, but...how?

    "Cale what do I do? If this truly is Danielle, I cannot harm her!!" She spoke to Cale in desperation.

    ((Short post. Sorry))

  13. "Got it." Liz hurried off towards the back wall, waiting for Cale to distract the creature so she could do as told. As soon a cale leaped forward, sword in hand, to restrain the beast, Liz ran around to the back of the beast, filling with determination.

    She readied her sword and was about to lunge forward to rip off its helmet, when the chain binding Rurik was thrown backwards, catching Liz on her left shoulder. She staggered and cried out in pain as the firey blue chain cut and burned her flesh.

    Getting angery and impatient, she leaped forward and ripped off the beast's helmet, landing right behind the monster.

  14. Having seen Cale thrust his sword under the beast's arm, Piercing its flesh, Elizabeth knew that that was not its weakness.

    Maybe its weakness is the blue fire. "Cale, you don't think that its weakness is its eye, do you? She looked over to Cale and saw him on the floor Conscious but with blood slowly dripping off his head. "Cale?!!

    She ran over to Cale, keeping an eye on the creature, and kneeled down beside him, holding out a hand.

    (( Mhmm, that I did. I was drawing it all today xD ))

    ((It's REALLY REALLY good!!! You should be really happy with your work!! :) ))

  15. (( Extremely off topic, but what do you guys think?


    I'm drawing as much as I can to sell prints in tsubasa con's AA. It'll be my first year doing something like this. > <))

    OMG!!! Did you draw that?!!

  16. Elizabeth rasied her sword and ran forward to strike the enemy under its arm while it was distracted. In the corner of her eye, she saw Cale charge forward to do the same thing.

    Liz held her blade high and thrust forward, missing the target. Grinding her teeth, she dodged the chains that were wraped around Rurik and lifted her blade for another attack.

  17. Liz felt someone pull her down and looked accros to see Blaine there. "Shoot... that thing has much more range on us with those chains," Blaine hissed. "Not only that, but that armor looks pretty tough..."

    Elizabeth looked back to the beast in front of her, trying to see a flaw in in its armor. "There, under it's arm. Can you see it?" She whispered to Blaine.

  18. As soon as she saw Cale being thrown backwards, Elizabeth rasied her sword into a ready stance, looking towards the creature in front of her and prepared to attack. She was about to lunge forward to attack the monster, when she heard footsteps behind her.

    Liz turned her head and saw the man from earlier, Ryu, accompanied by his guards. "Ryu! What are you d-?" She was cut off by the monster who had reached forward to grab her. Using her blade to stop the attack, she then thrust her sword, blade first, at the creature, missing it by inches.

    Liz looked around for Cale and saw him lying on the groud a few meters away, his sword and The Champion Blade beside him. Cale!? Come on! Get up! She turned around and saw that Rurik and Blaine had lifted their weapons and were focusing on the monster in front of them.

    Liz faced the creature and lifted her sword in preparation for another attack.

    ((Ummm...this is a strange post. Oh, sorry about suddenly dissapearing before. I had an orthodontist appointment and then I went shopping :) I don't think I said what Elizabeth wears either so I've added it to her profile (Pg:7).))

    (( I'm confused. Is Liz related to Danielle as well as Zelda?))

    ((I might not be on tomorrow coz' I'm going to see a school production and my brothers friends are coming over. I hate having an older brother!!))

  19. Liz noticed where Cale was looking and followed his gaze. There slumped up against the wall was a evil and ancient loking skeletal creature with a gleaming sword imbeded in its chest. No! It can't be the...Champion Blade?!

    Elizabeth took a step forward and noticed how the creature looked to be almost a century old. She looked at Cale again with en expression of intrest and caution.

    ((Is this OK?))

    ((I've gotta go))