The Guardians of Hyrule

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As they proceeded through the haunted ruin, Cale felt a chill overcome him. There were starting to be signs of a great struggle... Drops of dried blood occasionally splattered the floor, a dessicated corpse of a former knight of Hyrule coming into view at times. Despite this, Cale just pushed on, focusing instead on the task of rescuing Danielle. After all, it seemed that none of the others had made it... a thought that saddened him if he dwelt too long on it. These had been his comrades, his friends...

The dark, dry chamber they had entered was eerily quiet, the unusual chill that filled the air making him shiver slightly. He could feel a dark presence, one that made his skin crawl...

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A chill overcame them as soon as they entered the chamber. Where are we and what is making the air feel so cold? Liz looked around dark chamber trying to see something that seemed out of place.

A wail pierced the silence making Elizabeth feel chilled to the bone. Where was she? Where was Danielle?

Edited by Zelda Drottningu (see edit history)

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Cale held up a hand for them to stop now, taking a few careful steps forward into the room on his own, keeping his blade at the ready. There was something up ahead, something chained to the wall. It seemed to be an ancient, demonic black armor, the helmet shaped in the likeness of a skeletal demon with curving horns. Ridges and spikes lined the cold black armor, making Cale cringe as he saw it. He could almost feel the evil radiating from it, the knight thinking back on stories of the prisoners condemned and executed here. Had this been one of them whose crimes had been so great that even its corpse remained haunted? He frowned, taking note of the powerful chains that bound its wrists and legs. Oddly enough, there was a blade embedded through the stomach portion of its armor, and something about that blade caught his attention...

"Stay back," he murmured over his shoulder. "Keep on your guard." Looking forward, he approached the chained armor. The sword looked really familiar, almost like...

The Champion Blade? Why is it here?

((To get you guys in castle Town involved, I might have you guys just moved to where you've reached the desert....)

Edited by Stormsworder (see edit history)

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((Ummm...? I don't know what to post.))

Edited by Zelda Drottningu (see edit history)

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((I'm sure that there wouldn't be any protests to it if you did move them. I just hope I don't mess up anything again. x X ))

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((Just her reaction... maybe she notices the blade somewhat or something... and you didn't mess anything up, Pumpkin))

Edited by Stormsworder (see edit history)

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(((Ooooh! That's Danielle's sword! This is getting better and better! *excited if you couldn't tell*))

Edited by Pumpkin (see edit history)

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((Getting the Party to the desert quickly sounds good.))

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Liz noticed where Cale was looking and followed his gaze. There slumped up against the wall was a evil and ancient loking skeletal creature with a gleaming sword imbeded in its chest. No! It can't be the...Champion Blade?!

Elizabeth took a step forward and noticed how the creature looked to be almost a century old. She looked at Cale again with en expression of intrest and caution.

((Is this OK?))

((I've gotta go))

Edited by Zelda Drottningu (see edit history)

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((Well, none of its flesh can be seen, and picture its helm as that of Death Sword's.))

Lowering his sword slightly, he gripped the hilt of the Champion Blade with his left hand and pulled it out, frowning at how difficult it was to remove the blade. Not only that, but as he pulled it out, he noticed something glistening in the dim light. It took him a second to realize just what he was looking at.


A very slight motion caught his attention, Cale immediately looking up as the armor's helmet shifted just slightly. Before he could even step back, he felt a powerful blow throw him backwards to the ground, his sword and Danielle's landing on the floor beside him.

The armor began to move, looking sideways at the chains that held it to the wall. Its eyes flashed with cold blue fire, unnatural blue flames spreading up along the chains as it pull forward suddenly, the chains coming loose from the wall. With ease it pulled free, the chains clattering as they fell to the ground, surrounded by the flames as the figure turned its head towards them.

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(( sad :c We need a teleporter so we can be in the same timezone! ))

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((well i got nothing right now. I should be asleep though))

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Ryu and his two bodyguards dashed into Arbiter's Grounds, they were going to wait a while, but then the echoing scream had changed their minds. Somebody was in trouble, they couldn't just sit there. They ran around around a bit, impossibly lost. Until Ryu made them stop for a moment, that's when they heard a clatter.

"There!" He said, darting down a passageway. His two bodyguards looked at eachother for a moment before chasing after him.

They emerged into a room to find the Hylians from earlier, one was on the floor. Then a blue light caught his eye.

((Meh, retarted post :())

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As soon as she saw Cale being thrown backwards, Elizabeth rasied her sword into a ready stance, looking towards the creature in front of her and prepared to attack. She was about to lunge forward to attack the monster, when she heard footsteps behind her.

Liz turned her head and saw the man from earlier, Ryu, accompanied by his guards. "Ryu! What are you d-?" She was cut off by the monster who had reached forward to grab her. Using her blade to stop the attack, she then thrust her sword, blade first, at the creature, missing it by inches.

Liz looked around for Cale and saw him lying on the groud a few meters away, his sword and The Champion Blade beside him. Cale!? Come on! Get up! She turned around and saw that Rurik and Blaine had lifted their weapons and were focusing on the monster in front of them.

Liz faced the creature and lifted her sword in preparation for another attack.

((Ummm...this is a strange post. Oh, sorry about suddenly dissapearing before. I had an orthodontist appointment and then I went shopping :) I don't think I said what Elizabeth wears either so I've added it to her profile (Pg:7).))

(( I'm confused. Is Liz related to Danielle as well as Zelda?))

((I might not be on tomorrow coz' I'm going to see a school production and my brothers friends are coming over. I hate having an older brother!!))

Edited by Zelda Drottningu (see edit history)

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Alneia had watched the knights' progress long enough. She obviously knew that it wasn't good idea to stay in the shadows much longer. She, however did call Stark to her, not wishing to leave him alone and then she stepped out of the shadows behind the group. The being was going to be quite a challenge. I hope you know what you are getting into. She thought as Stark padded up. The two walked towards the knights and Alneia drew her bow.

((A little short but, I won't be able to be on much, two week vacation but, I'll do my best.))

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