Zelda Drottningu

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Posts posted by Zelda Drottningu

  1. Liz opened her mouth to speak again, but the only sound that came out was rushing air as she sighed. She wanted to hug her cousin, Zelda, yet she wanted to curl into a ball and cry in happiness, but seeing as she couldn't do either of those, especially in front of Danielle, she continued to stand there, gazing mindlessly up at the Princess of Hyrule.

  2. ((AHHHHHH!!! I don't know what to post!!! AHHHHH!!! It''s Zelda!!!ohmy.gif ))

    ((EDIT: Ok. *Calms down*))

    Liz looked up at the princess of Hyrule, dumbfounded. "What... how..." Was all she managed to stutter as the pieceing blue eyes held her in place.

    ((Ok. That's all I can muster for the moment))

  3. Liz's eyes narrowed as she looked at Cale. He's hiding something. That is for sure. But what he's hiding, I do not know. She closed her eyes. I only hope he is saying the truth.

  4. Elizabeth's arm which gripped Danielle, who sat in front of her, shifted slightly around as she turned around, watching silently as Hyrule Castle sped away from her. Her home for her whole life, yet they were fleeing it. Odd, how we come back and think we will be able to rest, only to flee again, this time from our homes. Her thoughts darkened as she remembered that they had no found Zelda.

    She sped her steed up quickly, hurring to Cale's side. "Cale, where is the Princess? I thought that you might have found her." Despite her age, Liz sometimes still acted immature and too expectant.

    ((Sorry. I was bearly on this week coz' it's the last week of term 3 (2 days 'till the end of term *runs in circles due to happiness*). I'll be on more during the holidays... I think. smile.gif ))

  5. I want to post more, but I'm at school, then I've got to perform at a school concert, then do homework. Probably be home at 8:00pm.

    Ok, I change my mind. I got back home at 10:15pm. The concert was supposed to finish at 9:30pm, but I didn't realise.

  6. I want to post more, but I'm at school, then I've got to perform at a school concert, then do homework. Probably be home at 8:00pm.

  7. Here's an idea. Read Stormsworder's Fanfic, "The Guardian Saga, Twilight Falls". I know that she's 18, but take hints (like description and literacy, NOT her own work) from her and work them in your fanfic. I'm no expert, but the way you write is quite childish. I wrote like you when I was 9, not 13.

  8. Reaching forward, Liz gently removed Danielle's hand from her temple. "On the mark, you mean?" She frowned slightly. Why would it hurt so long after their encounter with Azathoth.

    "Blaine, Rurik. Let us leave... now! Before anyone else comes."

  9. Through the corner of her vision, Liz saw Danielle hunch over slightly. "Danielle?!" She turned her head quickly, looking at the youth with concerned Emerald eyes, before hurrying over to her. "What's wrong..." Her gaze followed the hand pressed against Danielle's forehead, finally settling over the mark on her temple.

  10. "Yes... I am too. But we made a deal. It would be wrong to break it." Liz took a step forward, squinting and trying to look for a small cave or dwelling. "Time is short, we must leave."

  11. Errrr... yeah, I ment mother. I'm realy tired. Don't usually have tennis 5 times a week.

    Stuff Exams!! I hate them! And no, the chapter wasn't bad. It was good... better them some of my best chapters anyway.

  12. Nice Chapter. smile.gif Cale killing Ashei's father. Very thoughtful. (I read this a little while ago, but... meh, I posted now.)

    You gonna write another chappy soon? Looking forward to reading it. smile.gif

  13. No pics? D:

    Nope. Not yet at least.

    You look pretty young, younger than I expected. How old are you?

    She's 12... I think.

  14. Yes, the second one is better.


    Because of that smile.

    Edit: Smiling makes everything better, children.

    You didn't smile in your photo, Teto. :)