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Posts posted by T1g

  1. Chase it is a basic tactic for a wolf to win trust by pretending to be a seer. The wolf knows who is town and who is not, so its easy for a wolf to win "support" by confirming people town. If you were an actual seer, you wouldn't have come out as being a seer unless you found a confirmed wolf. Once the seer comes out as being seer they are inviting themselves to get the shit kicked out of them by the wolves. So lets say you are a seer. You just got yourself killed by the wolves just so we could get told that Pheo is town.

  2. Right that update came out. I'm on my way he from work so I will just skype you or something when I can

  3. Linox, what are the names of the other NPC's? That will help back it up.

    Also let me stress that I had no idea a riot would occur. I heard loud knocking on one cell door, opened it, it had 5 guys who were hired by Euron Greyjoy (whoever that is). Those guys had been planted to start a riot to draw away guards apparently

    I think the linox lynch is sound but I want to hold off to see what new info pops up

  4. Day starts. T1g once again spills all the beans. The beans are now all over the floor and people are starting to slip on them.


    Everyone else says they plan to reveal stuff but "not yet". They are hoarding all of their delicious beans for themselves. For shame

    Linox and Teto like this

  5. The weird thing was how Polnareff had to be changed to Eiffel for All Star Batlte. it is the only time that they have had trouble getting Polnareff's name, and it is only in All Star Battle. Heritage and both Anime got it as Polnareff

  6. i dont think i really misled you knuckle. certainly not to the extent that warrants voting for me, which is certainly making you look suspicious. If they were in fact house keys, then it just meant my ability would have been something that i left in my house or something, like a giant executioner's axe for instance. Instead, the keys themself were the ability, and I obviously cant let an ability like that get out too early because thats an invitation for disaster. I actually opened the jail cell fully expecting to get completely murdered, and I almost was! I was saved by someone who looked suspiciously like Jaime Lannister. If I had died, my last words were going to be YOLO so I'm kinda disappointed that this happened instead. To be honest knuckle, only a fool or a wolf would try lynching me with this much information about me open to the public right now

  7. Depends on the situation, and your strategy, but I prefer the .52 Gal

    Aethix likes this

  8. Ok, so two things


    the first I want to say is that cascade had pheo punch me, just because I am of the mind that Cersei Lannister is a dumb brotha puppya. Rude. But now Cersei is dead so I guess thats karma


    The other, far more important thing to mention is that the prison break was totally me. Sorry about that. I heard banging on the cell door and chose to open it to see what happened. Apparently opening prison doors for people you can't see is a bad idea. (surprise the keys were jail cell keys not house keys), I opened it because i hoped that a useful NPC would be in there.


    So yeah I used my night action to unintentionally bringing disaster upon us. Oopsie! We probably weren't going to use many of those protection votes anyway

  9. I was actually going to vote for knuckle earlier but then I was like "wait crap its his birthday i can't vote for him today"


    thankfully it wont be his birthday in about 30 minutes lol