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Posts posted by Cascade

  1. here's the updated list of everyone's information from last night:
    Cascade - Discotheque (was told 2 people stayed in the same room)
    Aethix - Rave Room (was told he was the only person who stayed in the room)
    Dark One - Discotheque (was told only 1 other person stayed in the same room)
    Silver - Discotheque (was told 3 other people stayed in the same room)
    Necropolis - Barn (was told he was the only person who stayed in the room)
    Sahaqiel - Barn (was told only 1 other person stayed in the same room)
    Cirt - Fraternity Room (was told she was only the person who stayed in the room)
    Seems like Cirt, Saha, Silver (me, LL, Dark One and him) and Aethix's claims check out. If the two single-occupant rooms aren't lying that is lmao

  2. Yes but my point was that so far everyone has posted contradictory information about the numbers and rooms so... it can't really be used as reason to suspect people of being the wolves since we don't know what's actually true and what's not true yet. Like three people have said they were in the disco and were told different things about how many people stayed there. Something is AMISS here.


    For a vanilla game this room mechanic is bizarre and I'm not sure what could have possibly caused all the results to be this contradictory o_O;;;;;;;;; unless literally everyone is lying for no reason lmao that sounds somewhat plausible for this forum

    SilverAlchemic and T1g like this

  3. dead people/non-players please stop with the useless posts

    Ah, excellent. Sahaqiel is the Wolf.


    Voting for Saha based on that reasoning seems really silly, I mean literally the posts above yours were three of us saying we were told contradictory things about the number of people staying in the same room as us. And why would he post information that immediately incriminates him according to your logic right after you suggested the idea if he was lying... doesn't really make much sense to me.


    Anyways, gonna compile a list of whose said what info so far:


    Cascade - Discotheque (was told 2 people stayed in the same room)

    Aethix - Rave Room (hasn't told us yet about the numbers? maybe wanna do that or something)

    Dark One - Discotheque (was told only 1 other person stayed in the same room)

    Silver - Discotheque (was told 3 other people stayed in the same room)

    Necropolis - Barn (was told he was the only person who stayed in the room)

    Sahaqiel - Barn (was told only 1 other person stayed in the same room)


    So we're just waiting for Cirt to post where she stayed then. I'm going to wait for the remaining information before I start bringing up my suspicions.


    edit: okay he didn't know you were also in the barn when you suggested that idea I actually read the posts properly lol BUT I still think my point stands. 

  4. I'm just gonna bite the bullet and say I stayed the night in the Discotheque last night. Just my bloody luck! Besides me and LL there was one other person in there supposedly. Not sure if I want us to immediately jump on the SAME ROOM AS VICTIM YOU ARE THE WOLF bandwagon again, just want people to actually post. Where did you guys stay last night?

  5. Yeah, I think voting for Cirt because she was in the same room as the dead NPC isn't really a sound argument. Again, it just seems like a huge red herring. Why would a wolf kill an NPC if allowed to kill. And Saha's got a point, we don't even know if wolves HAVE to be in the same room to kill a player. That seems really unfair honestly from a gameplay POV. But anyways, yeah I think me and Cirt just made the unlucky wrong choice to go out to the rave room last night. Truly thought it'd be a great time we did...
    Anyways, this post:

    I slept in the Fraternity Simulation Chamber last night, there was 1 other person with me. I guess the place we slept is the clue as to who the wolf is?


    First person to suggest the "if you were in the same room as the dead NPC you're a wolf!!" argument. It is a bit suspicious honestly. Why would you suggest a wolf made a kill when it was just a NPC that died? But at the same time... it's Knuckle. You're a bit, no offense... naive??? when it comes to werewolf. just from past games, it's hard to imagine you trying to trick us in this manner, lol. I can't explain it. you know what i mean though.


    But LL's right, we get more information if we actually lynch someone today. Not lynching gives the first kill to wolves and we all know how bad that is so. Just to pressure you to respond. Voting for Knuckle right now soz


    this is too DR for me help im sick of this series

  6. I slept in the Rave Room last night, yeah. I was told there were 2 other people with me in the room, and that some sort of struggle occurred that I attributed to hearing things due to fatigue. Since everyone has now claimed a room:


    Knuckle - Fraternity Simulation Chamber (says there was 1 other person with him, it checks out)

    Silver - Discotheque (says there were 2 others with him, numbers check out)

    Necropolis - Barn (says there was 1 other person with him, also checks out)

    Aethix - Barn

    Dark One - Fraternity Simulation Chamber

    Sahaqiel - Discotheque

    LL - Discotheque

    Cirt - Rave Room

    Cascade - Rave Room


    Are us ravers just unlucky to have spent the night in the same room with the dead body, though? Was it REALLY one of this group of nine, a wolf, that was behind the deed? Our only action last night was to pick a room anyways. Unless the wolves were also allowed to kill someone. But then why would it be the NPC mayor character that died, then. This room mechanic is strange. If it was wolf kill then it's just made it very easy to narrow down who dun did it. If not, then, lol at people following the red herring trail.


    I'm going to wait to hear other responses before deciding who to vote for. When everyone here is awake and not at work/school/wherever ugh so much WAITING

    Cirt likes this

  7. You should know my opinion on DR2 is the unpopular opinion, most people love it more than DR1 so. you probably will too. Yeah you definitely will you are a massive weeb after all. Also you don't have to buy a new vita just buy a used one I've literally seen some sell on amazon for $125 jesus christ. pool together with pheo you both want to play it anyways. me and my sister went halfers on our vita + games im just saaaaaaying

  8. Sorry, no, "it's supposed to be bleak and twisted and inappropriate for the sake of the story/showing how awful the world of DR is!" is actually just not an excuse for the inclusion of fanservice at the expense of TEN-THIRTEEN YEAR OLD characters. Putting the rest under spoiler tags because it's long, ranty, spoilery for DRAE and honestly after this post lets just go back to talking about the game and being hype for the release and the like. I honestly didn't intend for this derail to happen, and it's the last derail we needed on this forum of all places. I've had enough of these discussions with DR fans on tumblr anyways.


    Kotoko the Warrior Girl? Where do you even start with her? Constant panty shots during the game, all framed for jokes with cutesy, comedic music playing? Camera angles going up under her skirt during serious discussions which don't involve fanservice in the slightest? panty shots with her butt in the air??? This is a character who is a sexual abuse victim and is literally a child. The entire fight with her where Genocider strips her down??? Ends with her being all "I swear I'm 18!!!"??? This isn't taking the subject of rape seriously to show that it's horrid and puppys over people's lives and the people in DR's world are awful and everything's so terrible it's literally using it as a joke. A punchline. It's actually really frustrating in this case because sometimes the game does take her backstory seriously and shows how it's completely ruined her life. And those scenes are actually really well-written. But then it does this shit. You can't have your cake and eat it too with this kind of material! And none of the other kids are treated as jokes at all so why is it coincidentally the female character whose backstory deals with rape who gets this shit. Hmm. I wonder why that is. 


    Then the horrendous shit with the Groping Machine Minigame. Play as Komaru as you try to break free from the machine and bat away the hands trying to "tickle" her crotch with her moaning and squirming whilst a pink porno vision filter is placed over the screen. Can you really argue that wasn't intended to titillate the audience these kind of games are marketed towards? I don't care if it's justified in-story as "the victim becomes the abuser" or whatever. there was no need to make it into a hentai-esque MINIGAME to laugh at and enjoy. It's actually disgusting. nuke puppying chapter 3 into the stratosphere.


    Oh, and the Monaka randomly kissing Nagisa scene was extremely unnecessary and should never have been shown. Sorry, no. I don't want to see little kids acting like that. I don't care if it's meant to make you uncomfortable. It crosses a line. At most, just imply it. don't show it TWICE. How is this hard to understand.


    why do anime nerds always leap to defend this shit. it is ALWAYS anime. anime is so bad for this. honestly i had a giant bit here talking about how fanservice and sexual harassment and every female character being subject to it/perpetrating it endlessly has gotten worse from DR1 to DR2 to DRAE but you honestly probably dont care. I'm not really going to discuss this anymore and I'm just going to say if you played the games and saw all the above and thought "This was handled 100% tastefully and is definitely not offensive to anyone" then we just kind of have a fundamental viewpoint difference and I'm never going to convince you otherwise. But saying people who complain about this stuff because it was offensive to them because, you know, they've actually experienced these issues at hand and don't particularly take well to a dumb anime game treating it like a joke half the time, are just "whiners being whiners" is really shitty and dickish, sorry. Media doesn't exist in a bubble etc.

  9. I'm going to buy the spin-off game so I can be 100% justified in hating it's extremely gross and disgusting elements I've heard so much about. Every successive game in this series is going to get worse and worse about the creepy fanservice and terrible treatment of female characters lmao I am so betting on it. anime will inevitably be disappointing on those fronts. why did I allow myself to fall down this rabbit hole


    it's a shame because spin-off shooter/survivor game starring Naegi's sister and Fukawa (who actually gets a character and is not just being "lol abuse and mental illness jokes") being best friends honestly is an awesome idea for a game but they really shat all over it from what it seems lol. DR1 was soooooo great and DR2 was also good-but-not-as-good in the long-run I really am worried the series is gonna crash fast with any successive entries after what this spin-off game was like... guess we'll wait and see how it plays when it releases in autumn


    sorry for being so negative lol but I just have (reasonable) low expectations honestly. it'll be fun to actually play the game tho

    pheonix561 likes this

  10. Hahaha I think my pre-ordered Limited Edition copy of Majora's Mask 3DS was attempted to be delivered today... but I was too lazy to get out of bed until just now and answer the door and forgot I was the only person in the house today, so now all I have is an angry delivery note yelling at me that I'll have to collect it THE NEXT WORKING DAY (i.e tomorrow after my work) underlined furiously. Curse me and my laziness I could've had ALL DAY to play it and get a head start on everyone else... why do delivery men always deliver stuff at like 9am - 10am? I'm never awake and dressed on my days off around then! jeez


    also congrats on the boyfren & the 1 month anniversary Jared (o: 

    Jareddude likes this

  11. you are not annoying in the slightest. keep on postin' your posts I always enjoy them anyways