You know what I hate the most?

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Otterbox is a good enough choice--my phone has taken quite a few dives, and it's fine because of the case. The only problem is that the rubber part of the casing will warp from the heat from the phone--playing games or generally having the LCD active for too long. It's more of an inconvenience, though, and they have lifetime warranty so you can tell them about it/send it back (they took our word about it and so we didn't have to send ours in) and they'll ship you a new one.


That sucks about the phone, though.

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dat sux emso


I'm just confused as to why phones all have to have shiny glass surfaces.

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I'm not even tired, I'm just mind-numbed. Like, I don't feel like sleeping, but I feel "tired" like I should sleep, and nothing seems appealing. I'm just burnt I guess.

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Sounds like you should just take a break. Go lie down somewhere and be alone with your thoughts. Sleep will come eventually.

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wooo I've been trying to sleep all night but have been failing miserably, and now I just spent the last 20 minutes vomiting my guts out. Thank puppy I don't have work tomorrow it would just be. me dead. forever.


I clearly had some really bad pizza/spaghetti at the Italian place I went too with the family for dinner yesterday S: someone come cheer me up pls

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That really sucks Cascade. If I were there maybe I could rub your back until you feel better. (: No belly rubs, just good old fashion food poisoning exorcism via back rub.


Also no offense gurl but I totally thought it was because of alcohol until you mentioned the spaghetti. Keep on keepin' strong; hopefully you'll get to sleep soon.

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Thanks for your well wishes, Saha, but I didn't end up getting to sleep properly at all. ): I've been having to get up constantly every half hour or so because I suddenly feel sick for no reason and end up forcefully vomiting. No matter if I drunk anything, or ate anything, or did neither. This is really worrying me. It's not stopping at all... ):


Apparently all I can do is keep drinking water and other fluids, so I don't dehydrate. ughhh this is so dumb


lol this is my first time having food poisoning or something and it ends up being completely over-the-top. sounds like me. and watch as it immediately goes away by the time I have to go to work tomorrow :V

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yeah dat sux cascade


Good luck on the not-vomiting thing. I hope you can return to being a normal, non-vomiting person sometime soon.

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Bilbo, the guinea pig that I tried so hard to save a few months ago, died last night of unknown complications. He was only a year old.


I can't tell you how happy Betty was when taking care of him, and how safe and happy Bilbo felt in her presence, and how much it saddens me to think of it when this is exactly what I was trying so hard to prevent. I couldn't save him this time. It happened much too quickly.


I had a rough day. I had insomnia last night until around six in the morning, waking up three hours later to Betty calling me in tears to tell me the news. Then I woke up at two, got ready for school at four, biked through half-thawed ice and mud that splattered all over my clothes, missed the train by literally five seconds, only to get to my class late and find it's been cancelled. Not school in general, no; it's actually a really nice day. Just my class.


So now I'm back home and I'm sad about Bilbo.

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Currently pissed at, and determined to lose sleep over, my 3DS disappearing. Last I remember I had it was Friday, so I reckon I must have left it on the bus. Was playing Layton up until I had to get off, and I got up a bit late, so I don't doubt that I would overlook something like picking up my 3DS case off the seat, since I probably stupidly left it there or something.


I'm so careful and I lose things so infrequently that I am really really bad at dealing with myself when I do lose things. I remember last year in September, I got myself in a panic because I had forgotten my Dance with Dragons pt 2 book which I planned to read on the trip to Greece.


I had assigned a certain level of sentimental value to that book anyway, because I'd quit what I was reading before when Padraig died, and picked up Dance with Dragons instead, because it was more fun and engaging, and I wanted something to be absorbed in. While reading, I'd started to think to myself "why do I enjoy this? my friend just died, so why do I find a book with so much death and despair to be comforting?" and I came up with the reason, true or false as it may be, that I liked it because there was so much death and despair. Like, how can I feel sad about dead friends when death is ever-present in this world? All these people get me. In fact plenty of them would slap me and tell me to get a grip. Dead friends is less a tragedy in Game of Thrones than it is a rite of passage. So it was a nice book for that reason, I had convinced myself. 


So yeah, I was emotional when I didn't have it, and faced a week not having it, instead having to resort to some other book to occupy my time. I survived though, evidently.


Mostly anecdote, only partially rant. I'm just venting myself out until I feel better and stop worrying about it, I guess. That's how it usually is.

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You should call the bus services, or something. I've dropped stuff on the bus plenty of times; I would assumed they have a lost and found for that kind of thing.

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Yeah, I will go by in the morning.

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good luck with that, and I feel your pain. This one time I was at a CVS and this puppying kid stole my 3ds from my seat while I wasn't looking and his dad didn't notice, or did notice and think it belonged to the kid for some reason, so the little mother puppyer just upped and left with my 3ds. I bugged the shit out of the CVS staff until THAT got sorted out.

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Posted (edited)

Currently pissed at, and determined to lose sleep over, my 3DS disappearing. Last I remember I had it was Friday, so I reckon I must have left it on the bus. Was playing Layton up until I had to get off, and I got up a bit late, so I don't doubt that I would overlook something like picking up my 3DS case off the seat, since I probably stupidly left it there or something.


Check under dumb places like couch pillows or something. My Vita was AWOL for months... it was under a pillow on a chair that nobody sat on ever.

(Keeping things in safe places... yup)

Edited by Sawoobie (see edit history)

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