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How many of you are going to take a driving test? If so, what vehicle, etc. Anything about driving here.

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I drive. My vehicle is a silver Jeep Liberty (2002). Driving is pretty fun.

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Took my driving test in September 08. Here it was pretty easy.

I drive a 2004 Toyota Rav4, but for my test I drove my mom's '07 Toyota Camry.

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Cirt, I applud your bravery for driving a Toyota.

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I have my temps and am learning to drive my father's Ford Explorer. I unno the year of the car.

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Cirt, I applud your bravery for driving a Toyota.

Last I checked, 52 people have died due to brake issues in Toyota's. That's hardly a scary number.

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And they're new Toyotas, too.

The 2001 Camry I have is just fine thank you.

We couldn't use our own cars to take the test. It had to be a school car.

I took my test in August 08.

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I still need to take the permit test. I'll probably do it early summer. I'll be taking Driver's Ed next school year. I think it's one semester (half year long).

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I drive a 1995 Honda Civic with a broken A/C. It is a very hot car.

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I don't ever plan to drive really. Driving as a whole freaks me out if I'm honest. It's weird :/

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I felt the same way, Cascade. Then I started driving, and it was actually much easier then I imagined.

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Yay for 15-year-old Volvos!

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I probably just got traumatised after seeing a test driver's car break down on the middle of the road and people were behind them. I don't know if I could cope if that to happened to me. So I'll learn to use a bus more frequently. Or walk. Or bribe people to drive me around c:<

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I used to drive a Ford Explorer, but now I drive a Toyota Turcel. It's not a nice car, but it gets good gas milage and such. It was all I could afford lol.

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I have to wait... just over 4 years until I can actually drive a car by myself. An I'm 14 days away from turing 14.

Australia have these really weird road laws. At 16 years of age, you can start to drive, but you can only get you learners liscence. You also have to put two "L" plates on the windows (One on the left side of the front windscreen, and one on the right side of the back windscreen) and always have to have an adult with a drivers liscence in the passenger seat beside you. Not to mention that you have to fill out a book to record how many hours of driving you have completed, and record all these other numbers and stuff.

By the time you are 18, and have completed at least 120 hours of driving, you're elegable to go for a driving test and be deemed fit to drive a car. But even if you do pass the drivers test, you are reqired to put a"P" plate on the front and back windscreen. For the first year you have a red "P" then after that, you change the red "P" to a green "P" for 2 years.

Confusing, yes, I know. But once you're used to it, it isn't that bad. The reason why you need to drive with an adult while you have your learners liscence is because the Australian government believe that teens behave more sensibly when with an adult and that the adult can actually impart their knowledge of driving appropriatly to the learner. The "P" plates are just to warn the other driver on the road that this peron have only been driving for a few years and to be cautious around them. The same goes for the "L" plates, just that they are to warn others that this person has only just started to drive.

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