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Where does God come from?

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I don't understand why the Bible describes God as a jealous god. First of all, what happened to those seven deadly sins? He's a freaking god, and he has one of the most basic, yet disgusting, human emotions. We are supposed to be like him, to better ourselves. I suppose being an envious brat is a-okay with God!

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Faith, by definition, contradicts the fundamental nature of logical thinking; using evidence to base our conclusions and subsequent beliefs. Needless to say I am an Atheist, although if God were foisted as a precursor to the Big Bang, a needed explination for God, equally, would simply make the problem larger. Divinity answers nothing. It's a human construct.


Would you say that all people with Faith are illogical? Would you say that the human mind is, at all times, designed to be a logical matrix?

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I don't understand why the Bible describes God as a jealous god. First of all, what happened to those seven deadly sins? He's a freaking god, and he has one of the most basic, yet disgusting, human emotions. We are supposed to be like him, to better ourselves. I suppose being an envious brat is a-okay with God!

The Seven Deadly Sins aren't in the Bible. God has commanded US not be jealous of EACH OTHER. Jealousy is an EMOTION, not a sin. Failure to restrain one's jealousy or feeding it is a sin. God is a jealous god because we hardly pay him any attention, and in some cases worship other gods, like idols or football. Being a Father like any other, He wants us to acknowledge him. Consider if we believed that you don't exist, Phantasmagoric. Everything you ever did would be attributed to something else. Another person or thing would get all the credit, affection, and notice instead. How would that make you feel?

EDIT: In retrospect, jealousy actually isn't an emotion, but you know what I mean. Also, the Hebrew word used to describe the jealousy of God is different from the word used to describe human jealousy, and is only used in reference to idol worship. So, in fact, God is never jealous as understood by English speakers.

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Haha, been there, done that.

First of all: I was joking 'bout the sins 'o seven. They are only good for modern media such as manga and television.

Secondly: My art has been stolen in the past and claimed by someone else. I was pretty pissed, but I wasn't jealous. If God is so great, he should be able to get over it.

Someone once compared our relation to God as an ant's relation to a human. God is so great that we can't understand anything about him, just as ants understand even less about us. However, I still don't care if the ants start worshiping my neighbor instead of me. They are freaking ants! Why is God so concerned with us?

Also, what I do behind closed doors is my business. I think it's creepy that God has a set of rules regarding sex and such.

EDIT- Well, if these idol gods aren't real, then what does he have to be jealous about? Is he just a paranoid, crazy person?

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^ you didn't create ants in your image for the sole purpose of having an intelligent being with which to share the world.

Just saying.

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If you are the single most powerful being in the universe, and you know it and have informed your children about it on numerous occasions, and yet they continue to offer all of their devotion to a lifeless block of wood, you aren't going to be very pleased.

We are not ants to God. He are his children. That is our relationship to him. Our personal lives are of great concern to him. If you view your new born baby as a mere ant, you aren't human. God is human in all save His perfection and intelligence.

No, it isn't. God is aware of everything that goes in the universe at all times. Even if He doesn't want to, He knows what you are doing, thinking. Those commandments concerning sex are in place to test our obedience to Him. Sex is one of the strongest carnal cravings a person can have. For restrictions on certain sexual actions to be placed upon someone, and they follow them completely, is a true act of humility and obedience.

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Ok, I wanna reply to this, but not start anything.

The Seven Deadly Sins aren't in the Bible. God has commanded US not be jealous of EACH OTHER. Jealousy is an EMOTION, not a sin. Failure to restrain one's jealousy or feeding it is a sin. God is a jealous god because we hardly pay him any attention, and in some cases worship other gods, like idols or football.

This was the main reason I left Christianity: It scared me half to death so I was worshipping out of fear, not love. I was 10 and worrying about "Uh oh I want that toy that she has, am I coveting something, did I just break a commandement?!" 12- "Though shall not gossip, so I can't say anything about anyone ever again? I've commited so many sins!" It was ridiculous how much it scared me. But, this isn't about me. I say that faith is a different interpritation of the meaning and reasons of life to each person. We are all unique and so is our outlook on things. I was raised Catholic but felt like I was being suffocated. Mom wouldn't bring me to church one day so I cried my eyes out thinking I'd go to hell. I see it as such:

The (yes dammit I'm the first polytheistic to post on here, sue me) God and Goddess are there simply as wachers over the universe. WE decide what to do. We choose to kill someone, fine, ok, that was your choice. You won't be eternally punished for it though because how does that teach you a lesson? You will just have bad stuff happen to you until you get the message. Well, in other words, what ever you do comes back threefold. I believe life is OURS so we can do whatever the hell we want. We just have to accept our consequences for it. Again, god(s) or no god(s) this is just a "I'm just saying" thread. I don't expect anyone to fall at my feet chanting "Blessed Be". Good gods no. I just think I have the right to say my peace. With that, I leave.

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1- God seems to reveal himself to a few select people. He's God, can't he just show up on TV or in the Sky or something and say "Here I am!"?

2- Why would God want to test us? Are we some kind of sick game to him? If I loved someone, I wouldn't make them jump through hoops for me.

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Just posing this as an idle question, not as truth, but what if somehow, everyone was right?

Like how quantum mechanics and general relativity fall apart when you try to use them together in the quantum realm, and string theory might fix the problems between the two, perhaps the same can be said of religion. We just haven't found the framework yet. Although I can't think of how the atheists could be right at the same time as the theists. :/

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I know you told me not to cuss, but dear f***ing gods, I wondered that myself as a kid!!!!

P.S I actually agree with PH for once. If the Christian god hated our sins so much and would repel us if we didn't go to confession, what kind of love is that. I',m not bashing on him, no, just IMO

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If God knows everything, why did he put people in the Garden if he knew they were going to disobey him?

Conclusion: God is being a dick, and your beliefs make God out to be a dick.

Alternative conclusion: God doesn't know everything, and your statement is a lie.

I mean sure, if I were a father and simply HAD to discipline my children, I'd do it. But I wouldn't stick them in a room with a jar of cookies and grant them the ability to die if they so much as lick their lips at it.

AlsoFingers, I agree with you pretty wholeheartedly. The concept of a God is pretty much a safety blanket.

If you think about it, God is a really REALLY convenient excuse. I mean, a REALLY convenient excuse. Almost like when you ask someone why they did something and they say, "Just because." That isn't an answer. It's just wasted air. You did it, so you did it BECAUSE of something, so just stating the obvious isn't going to get us anywhere.

There doesn't need to be a "before" in God's universe, because God is God. God is just the smart bomb in this situation. If you're assuming God is a legitimate and true answer, then you can't be wrong. It's an unfair discussion.

Anyways Lionheart, ever hear of "happy mistakes"? I doubt you've truly seen the underbelly of human nature yet if you're really that optimistic about it, but I would say "accident" describes people perfectly. If we weren't accidents, maybe some work would be put into making us a bit more perfect and a bit less poorly made in general?

Also, holy texts. Pff. Like really, I don't think I would argue against how holy texts are kind of lame, there. :/ Anyone can alter them at any time. Saying the human filter didn't mess up any kind of ancient holy texts is just fabrication. Anyone heard of the Gospel of Mary? The one where women are cool and not subordinate that religious administrators detested for its apparent anti misogyny?

Yeah. Probably not.

And yeah, if God were perfect, God wouldn't discipline good natured people for anything.

Another point for being a jerkface of a deity.

Also, this argument has too much Christianity/branches or alternates of Christianity in it.

I guess I am calling you guys out for having too much of a bias towards your own religion.

Popular voice is not always correct. Just louder.


Also, the Big Bang states that at one point, everything was a SINGULARITY. All mass, energy, and antimatter were compressed into an extremely small space. Black Holes do the same thing. It's not quite that unbelieveable, though I'd like to live long enough to see a theory that says what there was before existence.

But yeah. Which religions actually have pregod stories?


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To understand Sin, you must first understand the concept that we were created as perfect beings, in the beginning, the humans had two directives. You are in control of the land, it is yours to name and cultivate, and don;t eat from these two trees. Adam and Eve betrayed the second directive. Since then, Mankind has been under the influence of the devil. God hates the sin, not the sinner, and that is why he gives a path to salvation.

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The devil is just an excuse so that God wouldn't be the one who created evil.

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1- God seems to reveal himself to a few select people. He's God, can't he just show up on TV or in the Sky or something and say "Here I am!"?

2- Why would God want to test us? Are we some kind of sick game to him? If I loved someone, I wouldn't make them jump through hoops for me.

1- Didn't you read what I posted about Satan's rebellion? The last time everybody on the planet was certain that there was a God, one-third of all intelligent beings in existance decided they didn't want to follow him anymore. The few select are just that- His few select. They were the ones who needed to believe in Him the most during mortality. Just revealing himself to us doesn't test our faith. He reveals himself to those who are already so strong in faith as to have no doubt of His existance. Those handful can't convince the world of everything, but they can at least bring in small groups. It isn't necessary for everyone to believe in God anyway. That fact will become quite evident when they have died.

2- Hay, you signed up for it. And we aren't jumping hoops. Just how difficult is it to not have sex with someone you aren't married to? Is stealing when you don't need to so very hard to avoid? Is murder an enjoyable activity that is just too fun to not carry out? These commandments aren't very hard. He even offered up the life of His Beloved Son, the one sinless person who ever lived, as mediator for the sins we did commit. God has given much only to ask very little. Life is a test, a proving ground for the one to come. God wants us to become more like him. That is what we are here for.

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Two trees? Tree of Knowledge and what else?

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