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Oh come on, Pyramid Head isn't that bad










uhh, disregard that last one...



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casually making jokes about dead children

like actual children who died

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the girl who was driving was like 16/17 so probably she was maybe

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so i just had a panic attack.

[11:14:36 AM] Chimetals: puppy
[11:14:36 AM] Chimetals: i just woke up
[11:14:42 AM] Chimetals: my exam is RIGHT THE puppy NOW
[11:14:49 AM] Chimetals: NEITHER of my homeworks are done
[11:14:57 AM] Chimetals: and i dont know how to fake a disease
[11:15:04 AM] Chimetals: and i havemt studied at all
[11:15:19 AM] Chimetals: i cant tell a high pass filter from a low pass from my ass i just puppy puppy'
[11:15:24 AM] Chimetals: im so dead goddammit
[11:30:37 AM] Chimetals: trying to see if a panic attack qualifies as sickness


well, theyre gonna call the emergency dean when i get in there, but i still have two horribly unfinished homeworks due today, and im damn near ready to panic attack over those now too. at the least, i can take the exam, and even better, have time to study for it, but the homeworks......i spent so much time on them.......


worst case scenario, i turn my horribly unfinished things in anyway. better than a zero, but still. im not doing well in any of those three classes, and i cannot fail anything this semester. failing=another semester=fifth year=student loans at best because holy puppy why are tuition wavers for engineers four years?! maybe i should transfer or something. i dont even know where i would go, jeegus. tbh ive been wondering what the puppy im doing in my major, but after three years, switching majors would definitely require more years, which my family cant afford (as they tell me so freaking much) and my track is supposed to have really good job security. not that i have a clue what the hell i would be doing at that point.


my main issue is that it seems like my classmates can absorb bio things a puppyton better than i can. i get the concepts, but you ask me to name anything and im just all "um its the thing that makes the other things that gets ejected from the cell to signal another cell to do things". i really need to get into genetics. namely the kind you cant knock out in mice, and would have to study humans for. because randomly killing animals makes me sad. and two of my classes this semester (the ones i have homework in) are really bio-heavy. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bio heavy.


to put it in perspective, most of my classes have been talking about action potentials and squid giant axons. yeah, thats squid giant not giant squid. its a specific nerve in a squid thats easy to study. and youre all probably going "what the puppy is an action potential". understandably so. youre not in my major. its just the rapid ion intake/discharge a nerve does when it fires. Na goes out, then K goes in, and then the whole thing resets, and all that shite happens in a couple milliseconds.


each class has been having a different take on them though. some wanna have you calculate molarity of K and Na and the cells membrane potential with it, some want you to poke a worm and try to get one, some want  you to know about Cl, too, which doesnt really do a whole lot in said APs (i havent figured out what it does, i mean, its not doing anything.....i think.)



i might have to call my parents and discuss what kinds of horrors await me if i do for some ungodly reason (me) have to take an extra year or whatever. though at this point, its too late to drop courses (i think) and i wouldnt even know which one id need to kick :< though i would get out of summer school. but then id need an internship. which i really havent had the time to look for. hrnghhhhhhhhhh. on second thought, i think itd be better to charge through this semesters classes and hopefully not die :,< (btw, my mom is expecting As this semester. A is now synonymous with "im puppyed")

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Drop date isn't until March 8, so if you think reducing your hours might help, you can still do that. If there's any way at all you can move one of these courses into next year without having to take an extra year, it might be a good idea. You seem incredibly stressed, and too much of that can really mess up a person :<

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I've seen way too many people mess up because of stress. There is definitely a point where stress stops being a motivator and starts being a detriment, and once you pass that point, everything starts getting worse. Grades, attitude, everything. Then, because everything is getting bad, you stress more. It's a vicious cycle.


I agree with the above advice. As far as everyone seeming to absorb everything, I can almost guarantee you that it isn't as bad as you think. I'll bet you that there are plenty of other people who are also having a hard time. You should ask around in the class, see if there's a study group or, if not, try and recruit people to start one. Go to the professor's office when you can, too. I had to go to my Chemistry professor's office every Friday of the second semester of last year because I absolutely couldn't get the information from class. And you know what? He was perfectly willing to help me understand, phrasing things in different ways and explaining concepts until I understood.


I've been told that a professor's office hours are the loneliest time of their day. If you go, you will almost certainly get some good one-on-one help.

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one of the professors office hours is literally during my other classes. otherwise id be camping at his desk every week. id have to check for my other classes, but my issue with office hours is that i dont know what id need to ask until i hit the homework. like, all the concepts make enough sense, but then the homewwork comes around and im just like "what is this i dont even" and then its too late.


Drop date isn't until March 8, so if you think reducing your hours might help, you can still do that. If there's any way at all you can move one of these courses into next year without having to take an extra year, it might be a good idea. You seem incredibly stressed, and too much of that can really mess up a person :<

everything im taking now is a prereq for senior year. every single one. otherwise i wouldnt have bothered with all 17 hours. if i push something back, im taking a fifth year. period. senior design is a year long class thing, i wanna say, so i dont think i can get away with "just an extra semester".

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Oh dang, 17 hours. That's a big load, for sure.


It's unfortunate that your professor's office hours are during your other classes. If you ever really need to talk to him, though, you should definitely try and arrange something. If you are having trouble with the homework, you should work as much as you can and then take the professor the questions you have problems with, even if that's most of them. I would be surprised if the professor didn't help with at least some of the problems.

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about to meet Knuckle for the first time in-person in like half an hour



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I wanna meet all you DICKS one day.


I mean for ABSOLUTE DOUCHES, you're pretty okay people.


(And, of course, that means I love you all immensely.)

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One day, son. One day.

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"one day", yeah.


on a side note, whos up for a spontaneous road trip to wherever silver lives?


really, though, i need to compile a who-lives-where list, so that i can be pathetically biased on job/internship location if only slightly. or else live equa-distant from everyone.

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on a side note, whos up for a spontaneous road trip to wherever silver lives?



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come to scotland ya nerds 

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