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I get all the other arguments, but being entitled to steal shit?

he said "privacy" not "piracy." I had to do a double take too on his original post lol.

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he said "privacy" not "piracy." I had to do a double take too on his original post lol.

oh im an idiot disregard what i said lol

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We've got nothing but TV

In this huge monstrosity!

He's Bill,

He's Trip,

We're the world-famous shit-game brothers!

Travelling "game"-makers

nonpareil! (in bullshit)


that was bad but hey it's a thing

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I could learn to live with the used games policy (though I detest the hell out of it and it'll make my image of you extremely poor), I could learn to live with the kinect always on, I could even learn to live with paying for Live if the quality was worth the amount.

The straw (let's be honest, it's a brick) that breaks the camel's back for me is the online aspect. The check in just completely breaks everything I believe in. 20 years down the road, if I want to play my Xbox One, it's going to be tough shit. My NES will probably still work. I can't deal with that. A console should NEVER be required to "check in." Not in a day, not in a week, not in a month, not in a year, not in a lifetime, not ever!

If they don't change that, I will NEVER buy an Xbox One. At least, not for games. It seems to be a cool tv device, lol.

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Something like only 3/4 xboxes are connected to the internet. If you're like me, you play your games and you're very rarely if ever connected, and even then the connection is really poor and has to be shared. I know I won't ever be getting an Xbox One just because I know I can't. I just don't meet the requirements to own one.

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I don't give a shit if the puppying internet angels come down and bless me with infinite, uninterrupted internet for eternity. A console should never go 1984 on me and make me check in. It's my F UCKING product, dipshits...I can use it however I want.

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A physical product is a liability to the company, I guess. The same thing is happening with textbooks. Companies are gouging people for use of their temporary, downloadable, non-physical copy of intellectual property that the companies still claim to ownership over when the rented time is up. And students can't even reject the books or do anything about it because too much is riding on their grades. There's no substitution for the book or competition, so the students just suck it up and accept that that is how things work. Little by little, people tell companies that what they're doing is okay and profitable. And Microsoft charging monthly fees for Microsoft Office now? what


When it comes to the Xbox One customers, I honestly worry that they are too dumb to realize that they don't have to play this console if they have misgivings about it. (If they don't have misgivings about it, then I worry about them even more.) I think that the majority of the people who will be buying this will be parents and I doubt that they know all of these details about it.


I just worry that Microsoft isn't going to be punished for bad choices. Consumers reject bad products, in theory, but considering how many of them are young and grew up with data-collecting apps and Facebook accounts, they may not even see a problem with the Xbox One. Maybe I just have in my head an idea of a typical Xbox owner and maybe it's not fair.


Mostly, I just don't want this to be a precedent. Microsoft started charging monthly fees for Microsoft Office because they knew that they could. Not because Office 2013 is just so much better now than Office 2010. People would complain and bitch, but they'd continue to use the products. I really hope that this doesn't happen with the Xbox One. Not because I care about the Xbox One specifically, but because consumers aren't at the mercy of the suppliers, it's the other way around. Bad products should fail and companies should strive to please consumers. I just want the consumers, who are pretty dumb, to realize that they don't have to suck it up and take the Xbox. I hope they can reject the SICK GRAPHICS long enough for the Xbox One to fail.

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There's something dangerously wrong with a multi-billion dollar company being able to control how, when, where, and what consumers purchase. The laws are so fricking outdated it's ridiculous. I cannot fathom what kind of old, decrepit, senile bastards we must have in congress, but I cannot believe we have the technology we do without laws to protect us. The consumer HAS to have rights, and the consumer's rights MUST be protected, or else the companies (such as Microsoft) can do whatever they want. And that is so criminal that I cannot believe nothing is being done about it. 


Already, the digital products we own are only "licensed" to us, according to every download service ever.


That's f ucking wrong. To sell a product and claim that it's a license? I cannot believe they get away with that. And yet, they do. I don't expect them to keep the game on their servers forever, no. That would be ludicrous. But the product I have on my PS3? Or PC? That's MINE. With the current EULA, they could take that from you at any time. If your Steam library is banned, all of your games are gone. 


It's so pathetic that we have to stand for stuff like this. Aren't we in "America?" Where's the freedom? This day and age, we've replaced literal chains for digital ones.

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I think with each new generation, people will gradually accept that this kind of thing is normal. The concept of a used game/movie won't even be a thing by the end of our lifetimes.


It isn't up to the companies/suppliers to adhere to some strict moral code. Because let's say Microsoft tries to be a hero and stick up for consumers, well there will always be another company who won't. So trying to be ethical is a liability. I just really hate that licensing products is the trend now. Any company who refused to do that will be left in the dust. It's not up to the companies, like I said. It's up to the consumers to voice their grievances. In theory, people could boycott companies who do this kind of thing. The sad part isn't even that companies are greedy because that's to be expected. The sad part is that many people don't seem to be aware of (or care about) what is happening. They don't realize that they don't have to accept this from companies.

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The scary part is, it's the people's (through the government and through their wallets) responsibility to keep companies like Microsoft in check. And we just aren't.


And this sets a HORRIBLE precedent. If we're willing to buy a product that invades our privacy like this, what's to stop the government from doing the same? Pay a big company like Microsoft to release a product into our homes that will watch our every move?


Though, I gotta be honest, we already allow them way too puppying much as it is. Look at puppying facebook. Everyone anywhere can see exactly what they need to know. Where we are, where we've been, who we are, what we know, our family members, our friends, our hobbies, etc. It's all available online free of charge. We're such puppying dumbasses. Now, it's almost a requirement to have a Facebook. Jobs won't look at you otherwise. So what choice do we have?

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Burn it all down!!!! :woot:

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No. Guys. We're wrong. We've been looking at this all wrong. Here:


See? Everything suddenly makes sense now, right?

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Well, I've been playing almost nothing but retro games for about a year now and every current game I have is on my PC (the only exception I have for this is Pokemon and I'm not getting gen VI anytime soon) so I just shrug my shoulders at at stuff like this. In fact, ever since I've picked up this habit consoles just seem more ridiculous in hindsight. I could spend a few extra hundred bucks for a gaming system built into a PC I already need for college and stuff anyway, I can update the hardware as often as I like instead of waiting for the next gen of consoles, and the only real downside is that .1% of retro games that just won't emulate for one reason or another (alas, poor Hey You Pikachu :( ).


So yeah sorry for my usual arrogant shtick but you should all get a dedicated gaming PC (which some of you may have already? I can't tell) and just never look back.

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