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Well okay, story concerns and shitty gameplay aside, it's still deeply unsettlingly misogynistic. Absolutely every female character in the game is just a sex object. Polygon, along with pretty much every other review I've read of the game, summed it up pretty well:



But the final insult, the aspect that takes Killer Is Dead from the annals of poorly executed late-generation action games to something truly awful, is the rampant sexism and objectification throughout.


The most disturbing examples of this happen between story missions. As you progress, you unlock the "option" to play Gigolo scenarios, where you seduce women by literally leering at them for as long as possible while they're not looking. After working up enough nerve, you give them presents to win their "heart." If you get caught staring too much, you'll get slapped in the face and have to try again.


I say "have to" because Killer Is Dead locks a number of sub-weapons for your mechanical arm behind the manipulated affections of the women in the gigolo missions, relegating it to what is apparently the most intrusive form of peacocking ever conceived by aspiring pickup artists. I suppose you could beat Killer Is Dead without these spoils of douchebaggery, but it would make an otherwise dull action game even more boring.


The whole thing is crass, exploitative and gross — the women you're picking up desperately hound you multiple times per mission to let you know it's time to play the minigame again, and if you do it enough times, you're awarded achievements for making them "your prisoner body and soul." Killer Is Dead is deeply misogynistic — even stepping outside of the overwhelming ick-factor of the gigolo aspects, every female character in the game exists to be rescued, killed, gawked at or f**ked for an in-game item.




After playing the game I don't think there was ever a moment where the sex was just supposed to be ribaldrous. If it were ribaldry, they'd do something to make the act of sex itself humorous. I think it was honestly sincerely trying to make the player feel like some kind of really cool pickup artist or something at best, but that would be giving them the benefit of the doubt. It seems much more likely that they just wanted to let their players ogle some titties and booty. If this how all of Suma51's games treat women, I definitely wont be bothering with any more of them.

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The last I heard of sexism in Suda51 games was when Lollipop Chainsaw released. On one hand, you play as a "sexy cheerleader" type with a really short skirt and all the trappings of unrealistic American beauty standards, and you're really ditzy and occasionally calls the player a pervert for various things. On the other hand, your character pretty much retains power throughout the entire game, and there aren't any bits that try to reduce her to just a pair of boobs or try to make possible rape a struggle you have to fight against. The common interpretation is that the game is actually empowering to a certain extent, enough so that the character's airhead attitude and cliche attire can be chalked up to an individual personality trait, which is much much more than you could say for most of these stereotypes in media. But that's just hearsay on my part, I haven't actually experienced the game.


What I read from that sounds like it sucks. I hate it when "important stuff" is relegated to an all-male cast and women are put on the sidelines as sex dispensaries that need to be rescued.

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I've started Persona 4. I'm like an hour in. Finished the first day of school. It's been a visual novel so far, but an interesting one. I'm sure there is more "gameplay" later, so not too worried about it. That is all for now.

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Yeah, basically half your time will be visual novel, the other half will be dungeon crawling, and your last half will be Persona fusing. All of it is fun though. Except Persona fusion. Getting the right spells on your pibs is impossible, man...

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This played at the game developer's choice awards right before Sakaguchi went up to receive his lifetime achievement award. He mentioned he was honored to receive the award but hated the title because it sounded like he was retiring, and he was nowhere near done making games.

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This looks like my kind of game. It reminds me of Space Alert, in the way that you panic and try to coordinate with your team to solve the problems at hand

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Played a bit more of Xenoblade and got to another boss, but I might level up to 80 or so for a bit before I face it again.

Last night I got to Snowhead Temple in Majora's Mask 3D! Which is pretty nifty because I've never gotten past the first temple in the original N64 version. Wearing the Darmani mask is fun. ^_^

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Even though the conversation where Darmani begs you to use your magic to resurrect him is one of the hardest hitting moments in the game

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Posted (edited)

So I got Tamagotchi for Gameboy on my GBA Flashcart at 2 am today. I have been playing it for 4 and a half hours. I just wanted to get them to adulthood. I was playing the game with the time setting set to normal, so it took a long time. Four hours into it, I realize you can set the time setting to fast.




I don't know if I ever had my own Tamagotchi. I had a Pikachu thing and I think I had knock-off toys, which were still fun. It's cool to finally see them as adults because all my guys would die early on. I think Tamagotchi-type stuff is fun. I remember I played with my PokeWalker more than I ever played Soul Silver. I think I really just like how low-quality it is. Like, there is a Tamagotchi iOS app, and it even plays just like an old Tamagotchi, but it's not the same. 


I had been wanting a low-investment game to play that is relaxing, since I had a lame day at work. This was a good and dumb way to spend my night. 

Drinking wine and eating hot pockets was also dope. 

Edited by L.L. Bean's Menswear (see edit history)
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I had a tamagotchi when I was like 5-6 years old and I loved the puppy out of that thing. Right about the time I started playing pokemon, or maybe right before? I had one and I remember it had a weird name, started with an h? I might be imagining things. 


I know what you mean though. I had the craving to play with one a while ago for more or less the same reason.

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I recently heard some sad stories about people who refused to reset their tamagotchi when it died, because it wouldn't be the same, and would instead bury it in the back of their yard like any other pet.

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I picked up Bloodborne today, lot's of fun so far, no one to talk about it with in chat though since no one there has a PS4. It's probably the best game on the PS4 that isn't a remaster.


I've also been playing more Ace Attorney lately, started Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies a couple of days ago after I beat the two Ace Attorney Investigation games, I'll be caught up with the series after I beat 5 and Layton vs Wright. Lots of fun.

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Here's the only thing I need to know about Bloodborne: Is it a Souls game or is it unrelated to the series? Outside of Gameplay I mean.

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Unrelated, though similar gameplay. Arguably harder than Souls due to no shield

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Posted (edited)

It's basically a Souls game in everything but name. Most of the gameplay elements you know and love from Souls are still there or have been tweaked in some way. There's lore, just a different universe's lore. I think it's kind of good that they went in this direction and distanced it from Souls. Still, It almost wouldn't surprise me if a Dark Souls 3 pops up down the line though, or a multiplatform game with themes more like Bloodborne, who knows.


Also Chase, not sure if it's a spoiler but (and this spoiler contains nothing related to the plot of the game)

This is one shield in the game, found early on, it's made of wood though and not very tough, so dodging is preferred

Edited by Double45 (see edit history)

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