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Posts posted by Cirt

  1. I have pretty extreme sleeping problems that I've been suffering from for the past 6-8 months. Idk what "waking up several times a night regardless of exhaustion level or melatonin consumed" files under but I haven't been able to sleep through the night in a long time. It doesn't matter how physically exhausted I am, I'll find a way to wake up. 


    It's becoming really wearing on me. Sometimes I know it's due to stress dreaming. I do consume caffeine but it's only in the morning since I have no other way of functioning from being so tired. But like, my body is starting to hurt from just sleeping badly all of the time - like my back aches all the time, etc. I went to a doctor about it and they thought I was not breathing properly when I sleep but idk, the problem is still persisting. 


    I don't know what to do, but it's literally dragging me down.

  2. Just get Wii Fit.

    No wait, just get Wii Sports.

    No wait, actually get Super Mario 3D Land




    I took this this morning! I was jogging! I was drenched in sweat and all those black dots are dead bugs that got stuck to me! Just so you know!

    pheo runs so fast that he's like a car on a highway

    pheonix561 likes this

  3. That's really cool, LL. I didn't know you were moving


    Once I clean up my rooms a bit (I'm living in my parents' huge house again) I'll have to take a picture. I took over my sister's room as a study/lounge/office and my room is literally my bed and dresser. But I'm still unpacking and there's shit everywhere and ugh


    Also I need to take a proper picture of my classroom for you guys to see :3 :3 :3

  4. Its also funny placing Teto's nice picture, haircut, and dog next to pheo's poor picture, poor haircut, and lack of dog

    i can't stop laughing

    'and lack of dog' oh god just lol


    Teto for real though you are hot as shit. like damn dude, you've grown up a lot.

    Teto, PrimaGaga and T1g like this

  5. Yeah, puppy. The guy who plays Rufio in Hook, Dante Basco (also the voice of Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender) tweeted something and ended it, "See you in Neverland."


    I actually got teary-eyed from reading that. Robin Williams was my favorite actor as a kid. I can't believe he committed suicide, and that his depression won over his will to live. Shit, man.

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  6. What do you teach?

    Spanish 1. It's cool though, at my age is rather be teaching freshmen and sophomores

  7. dawg u can do it, I just realized I never told my story about my Jesus phone


    I cracked my phone screen in the beginning of this year, probably in like january or february? it was awhile ago. anyway, ma has a friend who has an old iphone 4S, which is the phone I have, and she gives me this person's old phone and it's all great and lalala until I drop that one (I was using the same shitty case) and that phone's screen cracked too, except a lot worse. 


    so I go back to the old phone, which I bought in 2012, and it's all cracked and great and whatever, I have a pretty clunky rubbery case on it now. I go to the lake one weekend (like around the 4th of july) and I'm being a dumb butt again and my puppying phone drops into the lake. puppypuppypuppypuppy. so I jump in, retrieve it from the bottom of the lake (lol) and toss it back out of the water. the thing is short circuiting, won't turn off form being submerged for about 20 seconds, great. I've puppying cooked my phone. we didn't have any regular rice, so we threw it in some chicken rice (just uncooked rice with chicken seasoning) in hopes that MAYBE shit will figure itself out.


    a few hours later I check on it, it was acting screwy as hell and the touch screen was fried, shit. I put it back in the rice but then I plug it in because the short circuiting was killing the battery


    a few more hours later, i pull out my now chicken flavored cracked phone and holy jesus, it lived. full functioning, except for the speaker was shot. ah well, don't need it that much right? i plug it in and go to sleep.


    next morning i roll over on my phone (lol) and i guess I pushed the home button down for a few seconds, because suddenly, "ding. ding." WAITWASTHATpuppyINGSIRI o m g


    phone makes full recovery from the dead, chicken flavoring now permanently stuck in the cracks, but WHO GIVES A SHIT WHAT ARE THE puppyING ODDS MAN

  8. I just spent all morning moving out of my final living arrangement of my college years. It's a little bittersweet, but my life is a bit of a whirlwind right now with my last online class wrapping up and suddenly getting news that I will in fact be teaching part time at my old high school. It's been a rollercoaster of good news and bad news in that department, but it's finally looking like it's gonna work out! So all my furniture just left my apartment to go home, and then I'm settling in back home in the next few weeks, starting the new job and tying up some loose ends. 


    I'm stressed out as hell and I'm a bit sad that I can't get drunk every night because I've been doing that for the past 3 weeks but eh, life is finally moving again for me. I will be really sad to leave my college town though, I've spent a while dreading the move especially since I've been dating someone new here that I really like and my hometown, which is literally suburbia, is rather dull. My brother is taking the bar exam next week to be all lawyer-y, but he doesn't have a job yet, so he's also moving home. My parents and my brother and I will be living together again for the first time since 2006 and it's gonna be really, really weird.

    Jareddude and pheonix561 like this