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  1. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Do you smoke weed?   
    relevant to the discussion I'm sure:


  2. Teto liked a post in a topic by Dark_One in Talk   
    Jasmine had her kittens :DDD

  3. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in How animals eat their food   
  4. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Teto in Talk   
    I hope someone has Rock/Flying
    "I am but a brick, drifting gracefully on the breeze"
  5. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Official Homestuck discussion   

  6. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Official Homestuck discussion   

  7. Cheez liked a post in a topic by Dark_One in Post Yourself   
    Found you

  8. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by emsomniac in emsomniac AMA   
    I don't actually remember if I had talked to pheo before my intro thread, but we've hated each other since I made an account here at least.
    Only if I get to be head uke. Also it might depend on the people. Maybe.
    Yeah Blue Sky Black Death is great, and the thing I really like is that each of their albums is vastly different from the others.
    A Heap Of Broken Images is probably the most iconic album they put together, and leans more trip-hop than the rest of their stuff. On there I would recommend They Came Around, From Sun's Angle, or Scriptures if you want some more rapping. I would put the album Late Night Cinema in a similar place, and I'm just gonna say listen to all of them because I can't pick.
    Also the song Skies Open because it starts off with a sound clip from the movie Primer which is great.
    For The Holocaust, which has quite a bit more hip-hop in it (which I normally don't like but they do it so well), I would say Smoking Room, We All Are Well Known, and What Can The Matter Be. Dirtnap Mixtape also has a lot of rapping but I don't like enough on there to recommend my favorite.
    NOIR is their newest album, and probably my favorite. They took it in an instrumental, ambient direction, which was certainly a genre they've leaned towards before but never quite did it justice. Its one of those rare albums where I enjoy every single song on it. If I had to, I would recommend Gold In Gold Out, Sleeping Children Are Still Flying, or And Stars, Ringed.
    As far as similar artists - Purity Ring, Phantogram, Massive Attack, and Trentemøller come to mind first. I have a playlist with all of those, BSBD, Radiohead, Ratatat, Kashiwa Daisuke, Animal Collective, Pomplamoose. and The Airborne Toxic Event that I listen to all the time. I know that it doesn't really seem like they go together but its just a lot of stuff that isn't neccessarily upbeat or EDM.
    Okay the story of how I got into it is kinda long, but it does reach a conclusion eventually I think.
    Around the summer of 2010 I got in to the beta of Starcraft II. I had been playing WoW for about a year and a half at the time and was really into it, so I thought "Hey, I like games by Blizzard, this must be good". There is this ex SC1 pro who now does commentary and daily livestreams called Day[9], and when I started to get really into SC2 over the next 7-8 months I won't deny I was fangirling pretty hard over him. Like, I specifically visited the college he went to (hey, it had a good cs program anyway) when I was doing college searches junior year.
    Anyway, he played a lot of music on stream, and I found that I really liked everything in his music library, and apparently a lot of other people did too, because they made a grooveshark playlist of everything he had ever played on stream. So yeah, this was early high school, and I was trying to sort of change my music tastes at the time because literally everything I listened to was electronic music and I was starting to get bored of listening to daft punk over and over again for weeks (seriously I had over 1000 plays on every song from Alive 2007 at one point), so I started listening to a bunch of stuff he liked instead and it pretty much shaped my tastes to what they are today.
    He became immensely popular within the community, and because SC2 was gaining so much traction, he probably had 10-20k viewers on his livestream daily, and artists started getting angry at him for playing their music for free, so he had to stop, and the only thing he could play for a while was Blue Sky Black Death because they're cool dudes and they specifically gave him permission to do so.
    So basically I just fangirled over some internet celebrity so much that it completely changed my music taste to be more like his. How shallow is that lol
    Coincidentally I did this actually all again just last year again with Destiny (again, SC2 player) and started listening to Kashiwa Daisuke all the freaking time.
    No regrets.
    EDIT: I did warn you all that I make long rambling posts.
    See above, when I became obsessed with Starcraft. It must have retroactively made me korean or something idk how time works
  9. emsomniac liked a post in a topic by Dark_One in emsomniac AMA   
    When do you think you might have become Asian, looking back on your life?
  10. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by emsomniac in Post Yourself   
    Shit, I was asian this whole time and I didn't even know it.
  11. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Dark_One in Talk   
    Conversation I had with a friend, we were talking, he called me a butt, then I went off and made lots of butt jokes, involving Buttman and world buttination. It eventually led to this
  12. Teto liked a post in a topic by Dark_One in April Fool's day 2013   
    Is nobody going to mention Youtube
    I mean seriously, so many people still believe this
    They're currently announcing the possible winners here
  13. Treemotan liked a post in a topic by Dark_One in Talk   
    One of those prep houses that doesn't have Vampire Potter
  14. PrimaGaga liked a post in a topic by Dark_One in Talk   
    He may not have gone fast, but that fog looked pretty chilly, he must've been way past cool

    But really, I didn't like the owl. The art looked decent, and I loved the way the water was done when he fell in the river
    Also the bear cub made me think of Heimlich, but that's likely just because I watched that movie 2 days ago
  15. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Talk   
    I got bored and had a microphone.
    I'm not sorry.

  16. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Memorable #Zelda moments/quotes   
    So I was bored and actually just made one of these the now for the IRC/Skype/Forum distribution of current active users lol. I might make a thread for it tomorrow (will be out tonight) if people want to see how truly divided we all are. (o; 
  17. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Michael in Talk   

  18. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Teto in Post Yourself   
    I'm being pheo and taking horrific selfies today

    that concludes today's selfies
    extra one of me getting crunk

    OK last one: my face when I see pheo

  19. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Chimetals in Hello everybody ~~~   
    we have brodongo though.

  20. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Talk   
    I got a little (not a lot) drunk last night and sent a few texts and I'm so enamored with the fact that I was sending drunk texts that I just wanted to share a few, like this one I sent to cascade:
    "Stev says im buzzed. Cascade am I buzzd I am bn christianson hello pleased to meet you"

    "I speak for the forums when I say hello kelsey stev says im buzzed am. Buzzed kelsey" And just basically stuff like this all night
  21. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Picture Megathread   

  22. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Michael in Talk   
    It's that time again, over this weekend I will be moving Hyrule.net to some new upgraded hardware. At the same time we will be switching some software we use (we use apache2, we will be going to nginx) as well different mySQL  software.
    This may be more technical than you care to know but I find it important to keep you guys in the loop especially when some of you helped make this possible.
    TLDR: Server should be come a lot faster and much more stable due to new hardware, thanks to you guys.
  23. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Teto in Post Yourself   
    More like: Sometimes you have to take more unflattering photos so people on the internet don't start seeing you as a god.
  24. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Post Yourself   

  25. Dark_One liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in Talk   
    Before you tl;dr this three paragraph post, I want to mention that zero posts' rank is now "New File", credited to a suggestion by Muffin when I asked him. You start at three hearts now. Isn't that awesome?