Zelda Drottningu

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Posts posted by Zelda Drottningu

  1. Ok, here are 2 recent ones of me:

    MEE.jpg This one looks like I'm posing. It's not actually suposed to look like this though. I look kinda weird... or strange. Something like that.

    ME2.jpg I think this one is better.

    Yet again, sorry about the fuzziness. My phone has the crappiest camera in the world. :)

  2. "Mmmm... yes, I agree." Liz took a step backwards and turned her head, looking around her. Nothing in her vision caught her attention. "We might need to wander... have a look around. There should be somewhere around here where we can stay." She looked back towards Blaine and Danielle, her eyes narrowed very slightly.

  3. ((OMG! Is that Zelda who is talking to Rurik?! Either that or I'm completly wrong. :)

    Why is it that Stormsworder, Pumpkin, Gerbil and myself are the only ones who post now?))

    "Danielle, what about you?" Liz asked quickly, her thoughts returning to the previous battle they just had, warning her about still lurking danger. "We must hurry. We cannot dwell here any longer."

    ((Again, short post. I'm sooooooooo tired, had soccer at school today, tennis training and not to mention the beep test *Shudders*)

  4. What do you think?


    Yeah, they look kinda retarded coz' of the grey smudges everywhere and Link looks like he's got stubble on his chin. But, meh... I just want your opinion.

    Someone try to guess what the animal is. If you can't guess it, then that tells me that it's a really crappy drawing/sketch.

  5. What the hell is Paul McDermott doing in that Youtube clip?!

    "It's good news week" Sorry, a random comment. (The sentence in quotes is an Aussie comedy TV show.)

  6. I guess nobody read what I wrote on the last page. ;_;

    Oh, Yes, I read it.

    Hmmm...I might post a more recent photo of myself here. I'll need to find one first though.

  7. "Mmm..." Liz sighed, defeated. This wasn't supposed to happen! We were supposed to go to the Arbiter Grounds, search for Danielle and survivors, then return to the Princess. We should have known something like this would happen. Especially with what happened to the soldiers and Danielle.

    "Where are we to go?" She asked Blaine quickly. "I do not know of any hideouts around Hyrule Castle. Or even somewhere we can stay, hidden."

    ((How's College Stormsworder?))

  8. You should not take the advice we give you as an insult, merely use them to build up your story and make it much better quality. You ask for compliments, yet without the feedback we give you, I don't see how you deserve it. Don't just say you've read what we wrote about your story, take it and work it into what you write next.

    I don't understand why you say that we are using this topic as a chat room, coz' what everyone has written is related to the same subject, your story. If anyone is using this topic as a chat room, it's you.

  9. I agree with both Pumpkin and Stormsworder. Your writing doesn't have any description or detail, and it confuses me the way you wrote your characters talking to each other. Also, make sure you use proper grammer.

    Stormsworder does have a point, coz' I'm 13 (I'm not the person Stormsworder's talking about...I think) and the last time I wrote a story for English, I got an A+ (90%) for it. I think it was the highest mark in my class, but I'm not sure.

    For example, you wrote:

    "Now its my turn to protect Hyrule or any other person in need,"Linara said.So he walked around hyrule castle until he heard a scream come from inside the castle."HELP ME,"the voice said.

    Where as you could have written:

    "Now it's my turn to protect Hyrule or any other person in need." Linara said proudly, his voice filling with confidence. Leaving the guard, he turned away and began to walk around Hyrule Castle, oblivious to his suroundings.

    A scream pierced the air, stopping Linara dead in his tracks and returing and his mind back to reality. "HELP ME" The voice cried loudly, full of desperation nd fear.

    Which one of the above would you rather use?

  10. Nice work!! I like the one with the Unicorn and the girl the most.

    Wait...Your married at age 20? That's young to be getting married.

  11. Elizabeth watched to two figures leave them, her eyes narrowing slightly as she saw them head back to Hyrule Castle quickly and quietly. "Blaine...I don't think this is a good idea." She whispered, sharing the same cautious additude as Danielle. "We don't know if we can trust them. They could easily betray us."

  12. Trying to find a photo.

    EDIT: Found one, but it was taken when I was 12, so It's about 8 or 9 months old.


    Hmmmm...I don't like it and I look quite different now, but this is the most recent one I have. I'm the one in the red jumper. My cousin is the one in the blue shirt. (Jee. I never realised how Tomboyish I was then. It makes me look ugly *shudders*.)

    Sorry about the fuzziness, the photo was taken by my phone, which has a really bad quality camera.

    (OMG!! I can't believe that I just did that!)

  13. Liz looked over at Danielle, then up to Blaine. "Mmm...I'm not sure. That is up to Blaine. They are not my brothers who went in search of Zelda." She looked up at the tallest figure. "If we leave though, it is best we do not stray to far away, for if they return without you, they will think that we have either been attacked or something like that."

    ((Dam...! So...much...homework! Sorry, had to do homework yesterday. That's why I wasn't on.))

  14. ... I think Jesse Spencer (Chase from House M.D.) should play Link XD

    Just look at the resemblance:


    What do you guys think?

    P.S. I'm sorry if there already is a topic about this, but I couldn't find one

    Yeah, this is a random comment, but...he's an Australian. GO AUSSIES!! :)

  15. "Yes... you are right." Liz said. Her frown still etched upon her face. "But we are waiting for some...friends to return to us. We cannot just leave them behind!" Not when Zelda could be with them. She shook her head gently, but kept the thought to herself.

    Liz looked over at Danielle, asking without words, for her opinoin, though there was a look of deep despair on her face, which she knew Danielle would not understand.

  16. 1. My cousin is named Bianca

    2. The first girl to call me cute to my face is named Bianca

    3. You are named Bianca. Therefore you are automatically awesome.

    Hehe...I'm awsome. :)

  17. Liz watched silently as the skeletal creature fell to the ground, where it lay motionless on the dry grass. Lifting her sword, she reached over her shoulder, the bright metal glimering in the sun, and sheithed her blade.

    Looking up, Liz realised that danger was no longer at hand, and hurried over to Danielle's side, her left arm swinging uslessly by her side. "Are you alright? They didn't get you, did they?" She looked around quickly, thinking to herself, a frown placed upon her face. Where has Cale got to? They should be back by now, hopefully with Zelda too. And who is that person who helped us?

    ((Teto. Rather than editing other peoples posts, why don't you post yourself? We need others to post.

    It's not that I think that Gerbil's post are up to standard, coz' think that he needs to use proper grammer and spelling, but, we need you to post as well.))

  18. I've been wondering for quite some time now, what's up with girls and lime green all of a sudden? Is it the new pink?

    Maybe, I dunno. But anyway...who said that all girls liked pink. I don't...not much at least.

  19. ((Yeh, like I said, starting College isn't easy (at least I think that's what you're talking about).

    I'll be moving house soon, so...stressfull times. smile.gif Ok...almost bed time. It's 11:22pm on a Saturday here. Heh...Your only just starting Saturday there where as in Australia we're finishing Saturday.

    Ok. I'll wait until you post a reply smile.gif ))