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Man, Guardians was brilliant. It's more or less pushing me over the edge with getting into Marvel comics now.


I'm not 100% on why I got so hyped about Guardians. I never even watched a trailer, but I think I just saw the eccentric characters and thought, I need this. Before watching the movie I only saw one interview that had Karen Gillan (Amy Pond in Doctor Who) talking about playing Nebula in the movie. It seemed to have this almost Adventure Time sort of casual fun vibe about it; an eclectic mishmash of characters and ideas with a lot of colour, and so I was drawn toward it immediately. Similar appeal.

PrimaGaga and SilverAlchemic like this

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I really like the philosophy they have about future Marvel movies. They bring in a script writer that does a basic draft of the story, in this case Nicole Perlman. Then they get a director who gets to do a rewrite and put his own stamp on it. Originally the main character was going to be Richard Rider, and the whole tape subplot was absent. That's like, the entire feel of the movie, right? So James Gunn comes on and decides Nova and Starlord both weren't necessary in the first movie, so he just does starlord. I think this will result in these movies having a real variety to them

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DC needs to hire someone besides David S Goyer. I don't know much though.

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They hired someone to rewrite his Batman Superman script.

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Man, Guardians was brilliant. It's more or less pushing me over the edge with getting into Marvel comics now.


I'm not 100% on why I got so hyped about Guardians. I never even watched a trailer, but I think I just saw the eccentric characters and thought, I need this. Before watching the movie I only saw one interview that had Karen Gillan (Amy Pond in Doctor Who) talking about playing Nebula in the movie. It seemed to have this almost Adventure Time sort of casual fun vibe about it; an eclectic mishmash of characters and ideas with a lot of colour, and so I was drawn toward it immediately. Similar appeal.

I can give you some great recommendations, Teto. Especially for the newer stuff. If you want something that's screaming "fun" you should check out the latest run of Young Avengers. Keiron Gillen is the writer and he can really give voice to young characters imo. You might wanna read the original run first but if you wanna get to the "fun" part, start with "Young Avengers: Style > Substance." The original series was fantastic too, dont get me wrong, but you seem like you'd enjoy Gillen's work a lot.


hit me up on Skype if you wanna talk about this and other comics. <3

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Style over substance is my jam, brother. Substance goes over my head half the time so I might as well overload on style.

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Probably my favorite line from anything ever:


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The coolest post in the thread, haha. That's awesome!

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HAHAHAHA, thats perfect!

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Can you make a superhero called "The Blogger" whose power is that literally anything turns to shit in their hands?

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That'd actually probably be a better request for LL, to be honest. But maybe I'll make a comic about it later. <3

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