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Posts posted by Dark_One

  1. Skype chat has emboldened me enough to be a daredevil and post a picture of myself. Except that its from 7 years ago. And I'm not going to tell you which person I am. hehehehehehehe

    Found you


    Cheez likes this

  2. I'm actually downloading the HP movies right now


    15.2 GB, all 8 movies. I just hope I'm not disappointed too much by the differences, like I was with Eragon and The Hunger Games :/

  3. One of my friends just got hsv1 from the guy she was dating and according to their doctor, it somehow mutated into hsv2, which she proceded to infect him with as well. So now 2 of my best friends have hsv1&2 :<

  4. Silver, 77 isn't even possible in this scenario :/

    Also, same with 66. 66 is 2/3 of 100, so everyone would have to pick 100, but the mere inclusion of a 66 rules it out, unless there are so many 100s that the 66 isn't relevant anymore in the outcome


    I like numbers and puzzles about them :D

  5. I'm liking this quite a bit so far, can't wait for some new games


    My ID's Alkara

  6. He may not have gone fast, but that fog looked pretty chilly, he must've been way past cool

    But really, I didn't like the owl. The art looked decent, and I loved the way the water was done when he fell in the river


    Also the bear cub made me think of Heimlich, but that's likely just because I watched that movie 2 days ago

    PrimaGaga likes this

  7. So this song is awesome and well done

    Every sound is in-game (Except maybe the drum background)


  8. I wasn't complaining, I was simply pointing out a possible future misunderstanding
    I told you in the Skype chat the name didn't bother me, but you were too busy making 4th grade insults to listen

  9. I literally just had my phone ready, about to hit Call to talk to the local UPS Store, when I went to get the tracking number. I went to the UPS site for my order, lo and behold, it says delivered to carport about 20 minutes ago. I went outside, and sure enough, there's my little package on the steps. 

    See, Tappy, even UPS lies :D


    Edit: Stupid packing tape :<


    Edit 2: These picks are so cool

    Cirt likes this

  10. USPS will almost always require a signature, around here at least, but UPS just honestly doesn't care. Their pay is based on how many packages they deliver per hour, so they rush and don't care :<


    But yeah, I think I'm about to call them to check

  11. I purchased some items online last week, of some AlaskaPiks, guitar picks that are supported by the fingernail, and a simple lever capo. General stuff for my guitar I've wanted for a while, and the capos were on sale. I don't usually keep my fingernails very long, usually pretty short. But I figured, if I'm gonna use these picks I'm gonna need something to grab them with, so I've been letting my nails grow since the day of the order. On my right hand. Not the left, you can't play as well with longer nails on the left hand, so I'm keeping them short.


    Anyways, I made the order, it was like $30 with S/H, and expected it to arrive yesterday. I work 3rd shift, so I have to sleep in the afternoon, I usually stay up until about 3-4 and then wake up at 9. The package hadn't arrived by 4, so I went to my room and went to sleep, hoping to find it when I got up. I woke up, went in the kitchen, where mom'll put packages if she finds them, it isn't in there. So I check out the side door, nothing. Figure it's gotta be out front, so I go check out on the porch, and I don't see anything.


    I went back to my room, got on my laptop to check the UPS site. Says it's been delivered to my porch, at 6:36.

    So I'm thinking it's either lost or stolen. I'm going with lost, because UPS loses stuff all of the time. I'm going to give it one more day to turn up, and if it isn't here by tonight I'm going to call them tomorrow to see what they say.



    So anyways, have you guys had any problems with packages becoming lost/stolen?