You know what I hate the most?

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I was meant to be working today for a four-hour shift, but my boss forgot to include today in my schedule for the week... so I woke up thinking I was off at 9am, had a nice morning, then got a call an hour later being like "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN AT 10 SORRY..........." cue rushing to get properly dressed and get to work asap and deal with the particularly shitty public we had today. Who all seem to come in at the one time when I'm the only person on the floor. So fun!


I was looking forward to enjoying a day off as well... oh well at least it was only four hours I guess. Still annoying as hell though.


Man I would love to see what dealing with needy 'commoners' would be like. I reckon I'd thrive in that environment, but I just want to know if I really would. Maybe I'd hate it, and that would teach me something important about myself. One day I'll get a challenging job and I'll learn about myself in that context. One day.

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Today reminded me yet again why I absolutely hate Sunday shifts!!! Being the only person on the tills for about an hour and a half, when the mob of idiots with their stupid demands and unwillingness to actually listen to anything I say, all come in at once, is so fun. The most fun part of my life, really. Add in HOW ANNOYINGLY HOT IT IS HERE TODAY and a crowded shop with no air con (there is no air con in this country ever. it's illegal actually. really really illegal. im serious.), I was not a happy camper in the slightest. And then you get the old fart whose like "you're not a very happy person, you should smile more!" ughhhhhhh 


Oh, also the local legend old junkie woman (everyone calls her the Braehead Witch lol) came in today. She argued with me for literally ten minutes on giving her change from the tills before slinking off in a huff. "We can't do that." "Why not I just need £10 in change" "Because you can't just take change out of the till when there isn't a purchase" "But I need some change" "buy something then." "oh I don't want to spend any money" "well I can't give you any change then" "BUT WHY NOT" aaaaaaarghhh.


And then I got home and my favourite purple jeans suddenly have a massive hole in them lol. Great. Today is a lovely day.


What is up with the 'commoners' thing btw lol


(maybe I should start queuing up posts for whenever a sunday shift is awful if this is going to become a recurring thing every week lol. see you here next week!!)

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Today reminded me yet again why I absolutely hate Sunday shifts!!! Being the only person on the tills for about an hour and a half, when the mob of idiots with their stupid demands and unwillingness to actually listen to anything I say, all come in at once, is so fun. The most fun part of my life, really. Add in HOW ANNOYINGLY HOT IT IS HERE TODAY and a crowded shop with no air con (there is no air con in this country ever. it's illegal actually. really really illegal. im serious.), I was not a happy camper in the slightest. And then you get the old fart whose like "you're not a very happy person, you should smile more!" ughhhhhhh 


Oh, also the local legend old junkie woman (everyone calls her the Braehead Witch lol) came in today. She argued with me for literally ten minutes on giving her change from the tills before slinking off in a huff. "We can't do that." "Why not I just need £10 in change" "Because you can't just take change out of the till when there isn't a purchase" "But I need some change" "buy something then." "oh I don't want to spend any money" "well I can't give you any change then" "BUT WHY NOT" aaaaaaarghhh.


And then I got home and my favourite purple jeans suddenly have a massive hole in them lol. Great. Today is a lovely day.


What is up with the 'commoners' thing btw lol


(maybe I should start queuing up posts for whenever a sunday shift is awful if this is going to become a recurring thing every week lol. see you here next week!!)


I have no annoying optimistic positive twist for this. That sounds like shit. I always puzzle at shops that have like 10 tills and only ever use two of them. Like, why? Lidl do this all the time. I'm in Poland right now and it's the same here. 5 tills, only 2 in use. It makes no sense.


'commoners' being my upper class lingo for 'irrational people'. The middle classes in short. In June when I had my interview in Dundee I helped out for a few hours in the British Heart Foundation to kill some time. My friend [#34]  was working there so I joined in, and helped her out on the till. She had a falling out with a customer about not having enough change to pay her back, and after Ruth went to have a chat with her boss I was left next to the till and managed to talk in a civil way with the people. I felt like I might have been able to deal with the situation a bit better than [#34] did. So that had me interested in seeing how well I could cope with that kind of confrontation. I'm not good with confrontation generally, but I would like to see how I did if that was my job.

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My phone screen cracked. It's still operable and doesn't hurt to use, or anything, but it sure is broken.


I can't get a picture, but at least the shatter pattern is pretty.

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dawg u can do it, I just realized I never told my story about my Jesus phone


I cracked my phone screen in the beginning of this year, probably in like january or february? it was awhile ago. anyway, ma has a friend who has an old iphone 4S, which is the phone I have, and she gives me this person's old phone and it's all great and lalala until I drop that one (I was using the same shitty case) and that phone's screen cracked too, except a lot worse. 


so I go back to the old phone, which I bought in 2012, and it's all cracked and great and whatever, I have a pretty clunky rubbery case on it now. I go to the lake one weekend (like around the 4th of july) and I'm being a dumb butt again and my puppying phone drops into the lake. puppypuppypuppypuppy. so I jump in, retrieve it from the bottom of the lake (lol) and toss it back out of the water. the thing is short circuiting, won't turn off form being submerged for about 20 seconds, great. I've puppying cooked my phone. we didn't have any regular rice, so we threw it in some chicken rice (just uncooked rice with chicken seasoning) in hopes that MAYBE shit will figure itself out.


a few hours later I check on it, it was acting screwy as hell and the touch screen was fried, shit. I put it back in the rice but then I plug it in because the short circuiting was killing the battery


a few more hours later, i pull out my now chicken flavored cracked phone and holy jesus, it lived. full functioning, except for the speaker was shot. ah well, don't need it that much right? i plug it in and go to sleep.


next morning i roll over on my phone (lol) and i guess I pushed the home button down for a few seconds, because suddenly, "ding. ding." WAITWASTHATpuppyINGSIRI o m g


phone makes full recovery from the dead, chicken flavoring now permanently stuck in the cracks, but WHO GIVES A SHIT WHAT ARE THE puppyING ODDS MAN

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I'm not sure who you're with phone company-wise Cirt, but if it's with AT&T, you should really spend the $6.99 a month for insurance. It will save you a lot of heartache. 

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Posted (edited)

I kind of hate having a phone. Or checking it all the time. 2 minutes ago, I was sitting with my phone in my hand looking at the phone. And my other hand reaches into my pocket to pull my phone out.

I felt pathetic. To be fair though, only have three things at that I check but whatever. I still suck.

Edited by L.L. Bean's Menswear (see edit history)
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I miss my flip phone, but I totally don't mind playing dumb games on my iphone either so.

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I actually have the opposite issue. I can't find any way to be entertained by my phone. I pull it out, check Hnet maybe once, and then I put it down. The smartphone aspect has only improved my life with the ability to use the browser, Google Maps and the Soundcloud app, p. much. Normally I try to harness my tools to the best of their capacity, but I get so bored with my smartphone so fast. It just feels so dull, and all the game apps are mostly just as dull, only cluttered with unblockable ads. As a whole my smartphone is just a convenience link to the internet where I would otherwise have no options.


Cell phone addiction is a thing though. Like sometimes you'll hear your text tone when it's not really there. I wouldn't call it an addiction, but sometimes random noises would get interpreted in my brain as my text tone when I was more active with my cell phone.

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Lol at the last part. I used to think that my phone was vibrating in my pocket when it was my leg spasming. And I feel like the spasms were related to my phone being in my pocket all the time.

I silenced my phone totally about a year ago and it's worked out pretty well. Less stress and I can reply to things at my leisure. I'll put it on vibrate if I am expecting a call. But overall I recommend a silent phone.

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Yeah, seriously. I've always had my phone on silent and vibrate ever since I got it, and it's worked out fine for me. I recommend all of you try it.

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i get too many texts to put it on silent. Sometimes I'll misplace my phone, or maybe jux forget about it for an hour, and i'll have several messages. its hard being popular.

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Posted (edited)

That's the point of silencing it. I would have been driven crazy by now if I had to hear my phone vibrate everytime someone texted me to hang out/have sex with them.

Edited by L.L. Bean's Menswear (see edit history)
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Ahhh the wonders of social anonymity

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If I leave my phone on silent I'll get 8 missed calls from my sister and a serious scolding when she gets back how do you guys not have enough responsibility that you can just silence your phone holy shit

Though, I did block pheo's number. I think I overdosed and I get unreasonable pissed when he texts me about anything. Any. Puppying. Thing. Sorry, pheo. I'll unblock you later. I did the same to t1g.

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