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Posts posted by Necropolis

  1. Those plots are either gone or being pushed so far into the future, they may as well be gone. This part of the books is already a mess pacing wise, and none of the changes they've done have really solved that. Consider the fact that we get roughly half the plots each episode, and those episodes are advancing at a miniscule rate.


    Something I've started saying a lot this season.


    Its too casual for Hardcore fans, its too hardcore for casual fans. No one is absolutely happy with the outcome

    Other small things, like I saw an episode title earlier in the season Hardhome, and I thought, oh shit they're advancing that way ahead of schedule. "Dead things on the land, dead things in the water"  then when saw the preview of  the episode I realized Jon is making a trip only to talk with the Wildlings there. Which means the entire wall plot from Janos Slint dying to now is effectively stalling for time. The same as the dealing with the traitor nights watchmen plot last season.

    Teto likes this

  2. There's this satirical book whose name has escaped me now, and over the course of story Jesus and his friend adventure in Asia, eventually reaching Japan. He uses a style of martial arts that turns peoples agression back at them. The locals name it after them, The Way of the Jew, or Judo. Always thought that was funny.

    Also this is probably not the place for this discussion, though its probably one worth having if someone cares to make a religious debate megathread. Or not, could be a messy thing.

    Pizzza likes this

  3. The reasoning of holiay placement was so that the pagans who were used to their own traditions would have less of a leap to get to the christian version, made conversion a bit simpler. Also why Christmas is in december.most of those events are pretty secular these days though. I celebrate easter for the delicious ham.

    Chase and SilverAlchemic like this

  4. this is unrelated to anything and i'm likely on a hormonal rage right now but ike


    people are assholes, you know? I have the potential to be hired full time (i.e. teach one more class and get a planning period) and get paid 15k more than I do now. but my bitch ass department head is insistent on finding another part time teacher (?????) because it's cheaper labor to have 2 teachers teach 4 classes each than hire a full time one and give the other class to another teacher. instead i still do all my planning on MY time and I don't get paid for it and I'm paying to get certified to work as this puppying school whee nobody even really cares that I'm there, I realized today at the department luncheon. I'm just awkward and 8-10 years too young to even be relatable or relevant because I'm not married and I don't have puppying children

    People really are strange.