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"They were thieves themselves..." Anna whispered an answer.


"A more important question, why are they fighting against Denelm?" Ness added in.

"Yeah... Why would people from Hyrule be attacking here?"

The group sat, pondering for only a few moments. "I might have the answer for that..."

Zelda's hood fell as she walked out of the woods, wearing her cloak. She had that same sad expression fro when Link and Anna first met her, when Hyrule was in Twilight.

"Sorry I'm late... I had to show the healers something before I left..." Zelda said as she sat down in the circle of heroes. They all looked at her attentively, as Claus asked, "So, why is Hyrule attacking?"

Zelda sighed sadly. "They might think I've been kidnapped."

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"Technically, you were. But, it wasn't for a bad reason." Niel said, staring at Denelm's attack group.

"Yes, but... Maybe I should go out to them." Zelda suggested.

"And what if that's not it? What if they find out we know they're here and attack?" Link asked.

"I don't know..." Zelda looked away from the group.

Anna sighed, "If they're not worried about Zelda being kidnapped, why are they attacking? And if they are... Then we should go out and meet them." she said in her queenly voice.

"Who is to go?" She asked.

Zelda stood, "I'll go."

Link stood also, and Niel.

"Then come on." Anna turned and started to approach the camp.

When the small group of heroes emerged from the trees, the attackers went into a state of panic.

"IT'S THE GUARDIANS!! RUN FOR IT!!" They shouted, fleeing in all directions.

"Im not getting paid to run!" One shouted, charging forwards. Link's eyes widened as he identified the charger, it was his Dark Side, but a mere shadow in Hyrule. Dark Link drew his sword and jumped high in the air, coming down upon Link's sturdy shield. "Oh no you don't!" Link shouted, drawing his own sword.

And thus the battle began.

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" They've got their own Link!" James exclamed as the battle commenced. " He's the least of your problems pal." A voice said as James was attacked from behind. " Pal you just hit the wrong button!" James said as he rose and savagly attacked the pirate.

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Yo. Ryu said I could join this as long as I got caught up with the RP. I guess I have a crapload of reading to do...

In the meantime, please enjoy my overly-long sign-up. : D

Name: Okami Amaterasu

Age: Unknown

Where are you from: Nippon, Japan (historic times)

Skills: Combat is basically her only specialty, and she's extremely good at it, too. Her agility is top-notch, being a divine wolf, and her weapons are extremely powerful.

Weapons: Her weapon of choice is a massive necklace, known as a Rosemary, that she uses much like a powerful whip. She also possesses a glowing shield; if any enemy is fool enough to hit it, it latches on and slams the enemy into the ground.

Special abilitys: None; can jump high and run fast for long periods of time, but this is mostly due to her being a wolf. Is the only one who can effectively use her weapons, but can't utilize any other weapons.

History (Warning! Obviously contains Okami at own risk and all that): Amaterasu began with the beginning of all, assumedly; she is the sun god, after all, and the creator of all that is good. Her past is all but unknown up to a point about 100 years ago. A massive, eight-headed demon known as Orochi plagued a small town and forced its residents to offer a maiden as sacrafice to it once every year, during a festival. It was during one of these festivals that Amaterasu came down to the world in the form of a white wolf. She was chellenged by a swordsman who thought her Orochi's familiar, but in the end slayed the hated demon with his help. However, the battle cost her her life.

Nearly 100 years later, she was revived in the face of a reawakened Orochi. Desperate to cleanse him from the earth again before his taint destroyed what she had died for, she partnered with an irritable sprite named Issun and tried to gather the thirteen brush powers she'd lost as quickly as she could. She managed to defeat Orochi again, but it was far from the end; his evil essence merely split apart and began to revive other powerful demons. She set out to destroy them as well, a quest that led her to the Ark of Yamato, a cursed ship that brought the demons to the mortal world. Here she faced the ruler of darkness, Yami, and after a long battle, finally destroyed it, eradicating the cursed ruler of demons once and for all.

After this was over, she returned to the Celestial Plain, the realm of the gods. Something stirred her one day, however, and something large. She could sense that somewhere far away, a war was about to break out. Devastating war. By spectacular coincidence, she was summoned by the gods, and it was only because she sensed a great tragedy in the works that she allowed herself to be summoned. Now, this latecoming god to the Ultimate RP is trying to find the others with the help of her ever-tempermental friend Issun so she can make an attempt to restore peace.

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WOW. o.o

Cat, you can reply to this... Im too lazy... >>

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Dark Link!

That was what shot through Anna's mind as she wanted to help Link, but she was interrupted with problems of her own.

"Not so fast, hun..." One of the Gerudos that surrounded her said.

"You'll have to go through us to get to your little boyfriend."

Anna gritted her teeth and gripped her sword. "Gladly," she hissed out as they all attacked.

She held their wide swords off and kicked them off, while others behind her got a magic charged punch.

Ness and Lucas teamed up, as a lot of pirates went for them.

Darunia was throwing people left and right, apologizing to each Gerudo.

Link and Dark Link dueled with no interruptions, making it clear it was planned that way. They knew each others' every move, and as Link got madder... Dark Link got more powerful, landed more blows, making Link angrier in an unending chain.

"You can't seem to even touch me..." Dark Link smirked, dodging each swing of Link's sword and every punch he threw.

Link growled in response, swinging wildly, and missing.

The angrier you get, the more powerful I become. I am made of your rage, Link. Dark Link thought, as he made a clean swing, slashing across Link's stomach.

Link yelled in pain and fell on one knee, holding his stomach and dropping his sword.

"LINK!" Anna yelled, and blasted the Gerudos off of her. She was going to run to him, help him, but out of no where, two wide swords were under her throat, forcing her to lean back into the wielder of the swords, a large pirate.

"Drop the sword, and don't try anything, or else." His voice was deep and very threatening. Anna regretfully dropped her sword and her arms were grabbed by two other pirates, the swords still pressed against her throat. It was all planned ahead.

Dark Link had an evil smile on his face as he walked up to Link. "I expected more of a challenge out of you. But, I guess it's just too bad... You're going to fall. Don't worry, you're girlfriend's here to watch." He started to raise his sword, and everything seemed to run in slow motion as the heroes all turned, yelling, but they knew none of them would be able to make it in time, and Anna screamed, trying desperately to get free.

There was a sudden howl and everything stopped. Everyone looked to see where it came from.

A wolf was sprinting down, no ordinary wolf either.

... Larvi, you take it from here. Basically, kick ass and save lives, then you'll be questioned as to who you are by the heroes. I was gonna post that, but I got lazy and I don't know your powers that well.

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One howl was all it took, and the divine Sun God was off like a lightning bolt, streaking towards the mess of battle below her. White fur trailed behind her and her orange streaks shone brilliantly as she leapt down the hill. Clinging desperately to one of her ears was a green, glowing man, only an inch or so tall and wearing a large helmet made from a beetle's shell.

"A-A-A-AMMYYYY!" he screamed as he bounced around wildly. Amaterasu paid him no heed, and sprinted right at Dark Link.

It took him too long to react. Far too long. By the time he realized the wolf was no friend of his, Ammy was only ten feet away from him. With a furious snarl, she whipped her head forward - almost sending Issun flying in the process. A massive necklace, whose beads shone red, lashed out at Dark Link and stretched far beyond what it should've been able to. He opened his mouth to scream, but at that instant, the necklace smashed right into his sword. It flew out of his hands and flew towards a sorry-looking bush, where it entangled itself in.

The pirate holding Anna captive bared his teeth at Ammy and dropped his captive to charge at the wolf. He swung his sword, only to gape in amazement as a massive, gear-shaped shield was thrust seemingly out of nowhere. Then his amazement turned to panic as he realized his sword was stuck fast to the shield's glowing surface. Another snarl, and Ammy jumped straight into the air, taking the hapless pirate with her, then slammed him into the ground at ridiculous speeds. The pirate was unmistakably dead.

"HAHAAAA! Stupid pirates think you can stand up to this furball?!" Issun shouted triumphantly from Ammy's skull. Amaterasu spent no such time to celebrate, and began lashing at pirates with her Rosemary weapon. One particularly unlucky one was split in two by the holy instrument.

"What the...?" Ness mumbled, staring open-mouthed at the white wolf that had saved them. Everyone else was similarly stunned, but they realized they were not going to look this gift dog in the mouth when the pirates started to break from their shock. Cursing loudly, they continued the assault, but it was clear who had the advantage now.

Dark Link hissed and yanked his sword out of the brush, then ran straight for the still-injured Link. But a furious scream and a blast of magical energy sent him flying backwards; Anna was fully recovered and looking for blood. Link managed to stave off the pain in his stomach enough to pull out a bow; one shot hit Dark Link right in the leg as he continued trying to avoid Anna's combination of magic and slashes.

Ness and Lucas were still blasting pirates with PSI, and it was clear their abilities were too much for the pirates and the Gerudos. Some of them were already fleeing, and it was obvious their assault was falling apart with the introduction of the Sun God.

Dark Link's face was one of pure rage as he fended off another blow from Anna. "Retreat! NOW!"

The pirates and Gerudos seemed more than happy to oblige, and Amaterasu chased any laggers with her Rosemary to the time of Issun's excited shouts. Finally, it seemed as though they had all run down the pass, back towards their ship at the shoreline, and Ammy sat down on her haunches, panting heavily.

Issun smirked, then turned to face the giant, staring, silent heroes. "Jeez, dontcha guys know it's polite to thank someone when they save your life?" he snapped, bouncing up and down on top of the wolf's head.

Edited by Larvinator (see edit history)

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Anna snapped out of her shock first, and bowed slightly.

"Yes, well, thank you very much." She spoke in her queenly tone and rose. "I'm Annabelle, current Queen of Denelm." She immediately turned more of her attention to Link and rushed over to him, getting her medical supplies out of her bag.

"I'm Ness, and this is Lucas. The guy over there, the one with his stomach cut open, that's Link." Ness received a glare from both Link and Anna before Link gave a small wave.

Everyone gave their introductions and Link soon had bandages wrapped around his torso.

Anna helped him stand back up before turning back to Amaterasu and Issun.

"I'm sorry, but... I never really got who you are."

Sorry for a post of fail. I don't know much about Okami. :P

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Issun listened, stopping his incessant bouncing for a minute to take in all their names. "Heh, looks like old Lightningbutt was right! You guys really ARE the guardians! I didn't think we'd find ya that fast!" With his renewed excitement came the return of his bouncing, though Ammy didn't seem to mind.

He finally stopped when Anna asked for their names. Issun stood still and put a hand on his chest proudly, but the movement was hard to see considering his size. "I'm Issun, a wandering artist, skilled swordsman, AND the Celestial Envoy! I'm the guy who makes sure the relations between the mortals and the gods stay cheery enough!"

"You look like a bug to me," Ness muttered, seeming somewhat peeved about Issun's big head. Issun didn't like this comment at all; the green glow surrounding him turned a fiery red and he bounced down to the ground.

"HEY! Don't you dare call me a bug! You don't wanna taste the steel of my prized sword!" he shouted, ceasing with the jumping long enough to draw a very tiny sword from its holster.

Ness opened his mouth to retort, but Anna silence him with a glare.

"ANYway," Issun said loudly, "that's me! And this mangy old furball is Amaterasu. She's a god, dontcha know? But she doesn't talk very much." At that Issun turned around, as though preparing to jump back on Ammy's head, but was stopped by the realization that, while he'd been talking, Ammy had laid down and fallen asleep. "...She's not a very good listener, either, but hey! She can sure fight!" At that Issun bounced back onto Ammy's head, who awoke with an irritable growl.

"Now, ol' Lightningbutt said something about a big war about to break out. That's why he summoned Ammy and me! Sounds like some country called Hyrule or something like that's got a bone to pick with Denelm...Ammy figured she could help clean up some of the muck here." Issun finished his almost offhanded explanation by settling down into Ammy's fur. "So, you're the big shot, Anna. Whaddaya want us to do? The divine furball and I'll take it into consideration, dontcha worry." Issun stopped with a small smirk. It was obvious he thought himself everyone's equal, despite his size.

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Anna smiled, somewhat amused by the little sprite, and told them, "Well, really, our first problem is figuring out why Hyrule attacked us. You see, Link and I grew up in Hyrule... and we saved Hyrule from Twilight."

"I'm afraid they think Denelm has me captive, though. No one in Hyrule could know that you're the Queen of Denelm, Anna. I haven't been in Hyrule since the first time I was summoned to Denelm. I've been gone from Hyrule for a long time..." Zelda trailed off.

"Yes, well..." Link broke the awkward silence, "what we want to do is make peace. The last thing Darunia, Anna, and I want to do is be in a war against, of all places, Hyrule."

Another post of fail. DX Ryu, get yer butt back here and save me.

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Issun once again managed to hold still and listen through the whole explanation. When they were through, he said, "Well, sounds like the people over in Hyrule are all in some big misunderstanding. If all they think is that this lovely lady's trapped like a princess in a castle, why dontcha guys just go up to Denelm's capital and say 'Hey, here's the princess, show her to them and you get out of war free!'?" Here he paused, half because he was thinking and half because Amaterasu had decided to sit up at that moment. The Sun Goddess's black eyes passed over them casually, like a farmer evaluating his livestock. Seeming satisfied with her group, she started working on licking a thorn out of her front paw.

"Well, in case you guys've already considered THAT and ruled it out...what's our plan now? We gotta figure out why Hyrule decided to go nuts on you guys..." Issun shrugged, sounding somewhat stumped. "Ya think these guys have a place where they keep their plans? I saw a TON of ships all docked by the shore way down there..."

OOC: Fail post is fail.

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Here I come, to save the day! :joy:

Niel and Adder's heads were barely visable under the edge of a fallen tree, they were working together to lift it slightly. Adder squirmed out at the last second, causing the tree to squash Niel.

"Gee.... Thanks..." He said breathlessly. Darunia, noticing this litte predicament, jogged over and lifted the tree off of Niel, the whole while glaring at Adder, who was a little too concerned with the dirt on his coat.

By the time Niel had caught his breath, more and more figures were emerging from the trees. First was a tall young man in a red kimono, then followed the small boy with orange hair, and all the other past heroes.

This bought the other's attention, and they all looked towards the forest.

"Heh, looks like you just had a battle, this place reeks of blood."

"And who are you?" Anna asked.

"InuYasha, a few of your soldiers appeared in the infirmary and told us to get over here. Bossy little things aren't they?" He replied.

"Claus!" Lucas ran over and embraced his brother, who almost fell over from the impact.

"AS I WAS SAYING, do you think they might have plans in one of their ships?" Issun repeated.

"Ness, Adder, Lucas, climb down ad search the ships, we'll be down in a moment." Niel ordered, grasping his stomach.

They nodded and started down the ropes and ladders.

"Are they heroes too?" Issun asked

"They're the Past Heroes, I brought them back from the shadow lands, where the dead heroes go. In return, they act at our command, and, well... we don't really know what to do with them." Anna answered.

"Hey look! I don't know about the rest of us, but I never said anything about serving you. Or anybody else!" InuYasha barked.

"Well it's impossible for you to leave Denelm, and if you try to do anything against the heroes then a simple command from me and you'll be dead! Or worse." Anna had that look in her eye that meant she was serious.

Inuyasha must not have seen it because he continued backtalking. "Five gold pieces Anna rips his head off." Darunia whispered to Link.

"Deal." Link whispered back.

"I DON'T SEE WHY IM HERE AT ALL, SO IM LEAVING." InuYasha turned around and stomped off, but was quickly followed by Anna. They took a step back when Anna flew, landing on InuYasha and pinning him to the ground. It was a furious struggle, Queen against Half-demon, neither having the edge. Eventually Link tepped in and held Anna back, he took several punches to the face in the process, but held firm.

Eventually there was Link holding back Anna, Darunia and Niel holding back InuYasha, and James trying to talk them out of fighting, but they were all failing. John stepped in and pinched InuYasha's neck, and he dropped like a rock. Anna quit trying to advance and took a step back. She cleared her throat and pulled back a loose strand of hair.

By this time Dawn was breaking, and the trio Niel sent to the ships was returning. Ness was up first, grasping something in his hand.

"LINK, ANNA, LOOKY HERE!" He ran over to them breathless. "A letter.... from.... " He didn't get to finish as Anna snatched the letter and read it quickly.

"Ganondorf is back!" She shouted.

Link then snatched the letter and read it also. "Oh... no..." He breathed.

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Issun watched the struggle with growing irritance, showed by his even higher bouncing as Anna and InuYasha battled. Right after the half-demon hit the ground, knocked unconscious, Issun started shouting, being, well, Issun.

"What the heck's the MATTER with you guys?! You guys are out to stop a war and ya can't even stop yourselves from having stupid fights in your own ranks? Morons..." It was clear the sprite was about to add more, but at that point Amaterasu flipped him into the air and caught him neatly in her mouth, where she held him despite his curses and struggling. It was probably good for even Issun that Ammy was holding him captive; Anna looked like she'd very much enjoy squashing him.

"That idiot started it!" she snapped at Issun.

Claus rolled his eyes in agreement with Issun. "Don't worry, the rest of us are fine where we are. We owe Anna our lives, anyway."

By this time Amaterasu, bored with the conflict already, had laid down and dozed off, freeing Issun in the process, who started yelling at her for nearly eating him. It might've gone on for a while had Ness not returned right at that moment.

At the name Ganondorf, Ammy snapped out of her slumber almost instantly and jumped to her feet, growling and pacing. It was obvious she didn't like the name at all. Issun was just confused.

"Ganondorf? Oh yeah...I think Lightningbutt said something about him. King of evil or something like that?"

Amaterasu continued snarling as Issun continued talking. "Well, I guess this guy's real bad news, huh? Just the name got Ammy all worked up! So, if this Ganondorf guy's back, then does that mean HE was the one who sent the people from Hyrule here? And what the heck does that letter say, anyway? This stupid furball's sure not gonna let me get to it!" The last part was definitely true; Amaterasu had only calmed down slightly, enough to stop pacing, but her fur continued to bristle.

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Anna took a deep breath and read it out loud.

"Ganondorf is arriving in Denelm within a few months,

have your army prepared for war, and

a large space for his troops when he arrives.

The King of Evil will not be pleased at all if you

do not meet his needs, I advise obeying him.

"The Queen of Denelm is Annabelle, whom you well know

as Link's comapnion, whom you also know as the Hero of Time.

I am sending Dark Link with you, he should be able to get rid of Link,

The rest is up to you.

"There is no name." She finished.

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" Wait! So, as soon as we take out the biggest threat in Denelm, the biggest threat in Hyrule attacks?" James asked seeing that things just got worse than before. " Unfortunately yes." Link answered " But how did he know about you being queen, we haven't had any contact with Hyrule since we found out." Link asked of Anna.

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