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"It's not from Ganondorf, you can tell by the handwriting," Zelda pointed out, looking at the letter as she stood next to Anna.

"There's only one explanation," Anna started, "someone in Denelm planned this. Denelm has its own evils, and there were people who actually obeyed Sundim, not out of fear, but because they agreed with her... They want us gone."

"How could they send the dark form of elf ears here, then? He has to be from Hyrule," Issun jumped in, quickly receiving a death glare from Anna at the name he called Link. Link merely sighed and shook his head.

"Ya know, there IS another explanation..."

Everyone turned their attention to InuYasha, who was leaning against a large stone. The other past heroes nodded in agreement.

"Ya see, when we were the guardians, we fought... shadows. Dark Magic was used to bring shadows to life, as crazy as it sounds, but they were deadly," Claus said.

"I remember reading about that. It was a very horrible time in Denelm," Zelda said. She had spent a lot of her time at the castle in the library.

"Yes, and... shadows are everywhere..." Anna said in realization.

Issun jumped in, "Wait, you're saying that we're fighting SHADOWS? Not shadows again..."

"Technically, we're really fighting those who wield the dark magic. Tho ones that brought them back. They must reside in Hyrule, and be powerful if Ganondorf sees a point in joining them," Link said.

"Hyrule is in dark times again, then... and as far as they know, I could be dead..." Zelda said, mainly to herself, but she had a devastated look on her face.

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" Wait, so If they can bring shadows to life, than couldn't they also have shadows of you two?" James asked pointing to Anna and Zelda.

I seriously want to know.

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Posted (edited)

"Not exactly... The shadows are basically silhouettes. They don't live, but they can be destroyed. They don't feel pain, and they can take shape of what-or whoever their master wills them to be." Justin said. "But in order to actually have abilities, voice, and characteristics of somebody, such as Link. The Master has to have DNA from the person. Such as a hair, or something." Claus added

"I see..." James said, almost to himself.

"And." Everyone turned to look at InuYasha. "Only certain materials can destroy them."

The heroes sighed heavily, another long journey.

"Hey, at least we have the resources and supplies we need." Link said cheerfully.

"No... It wasn't meant to be." Anna said quietly. "We should go at once, but. Where, and what, are these... materials?" She asked, looking in InuYasha's direction. As much as she hated it, he was the only one who could help them now.

"Not far from here, it's called Morpix. Pure white, sparkly, glows like the moon. Only, it looks like regular steel in the daylight."

"But where." She asked impatiently, her temper rising.

"Cool it you highness. Sheesh... It can be found in the Dark Mountains, if you have a Demon with you."

"InuYasha... You're a Demon." Claus said, a little confused now.

InuYasha's eyes got wide, then narrowed down on Claus, who shifted uncomfortably. "I don't like you..." He said quietly. Claus took a step back.

"Then lets go." Anna turned around and marched off without another word, being careful to shoulder InuYasha when she passed him.

"You'll get used to it." Darunia said encouragingly. He then jogged off after Anna, as did the rest. InuYasha followed reluctantly.

"Why do we need a Demon?" Niel asked InuYasha, falling back a ways to talk to him.

"Because I can smell it. One of the ONLY Demons who can. Now shut up and keep walking."

"No wander Anna hates him..." Niel said under his breath.

"I HEARD THAT." InuYasha shouted.

It took several hours to navigate the small winding paths of the mountains, and Ness was whining the whole way.

"When do we get there... Im hungry... My head hurts... Some body hold my baseball bat... It's heavy..." And at the same time he grasped his stomach, handed Claus his hat, and gave his baseball bat to James, who took it uncertainly.

"Ness quit whining!" Zelda scolded. "You should have eaten with us last stop, you don't NEED to lose weight!"

After a couple more minutes of walking, Ness ended up in only his T-shirt and shorts, his shoes and socks were in the posession of Darunia, his cap in Claus's, and his baseball bat in James's.

"Ungggghhhhh...." He moaned, walking in slowly, doubled over.

A small noise caused instant silence, he looked up quickly, as did the others. Sliding down the steep mountain face to the right was a black clad figure.

"Took ya long enough slow poke!" InuYasha barked, his arms crossed.

"Who's he?" Issun asked, bouncing impatiently on Ammy's head.

"That's just Ryu, a Niel wannabe." InuYasha answered.

The figure stopped on the small path jutting out of the mountain, he wore a black T-shirt, black Jeans, and tennishoes similar to Ness', and of course, they were black.

"Sorry... I got lost... you're too fast..." he panted, staring at InuYasha.

I AM: post-4076-1223703324_thumb.jpg

Edited by Ryu (see edit history)

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Issun actually did little complaining, except the occasional nag of "are we there yet?"; he wasn't the most patient sprite in the world. He itched for action and action only. At least, unlike Ness, he had a free ride; Amaterasu carried him on her head and not once did she show signs of being tired. In fact, a great many times she grew impatient with the others for being slow and sprinted ahead a half-mile or so so she could doze off waiting for them to catch up.

As Ryu came down the mountainside, Issun couldn't help but ask who the heck he was. InuYasha's vague answer didn't satiate the sprite's curiosity.

"Whaddaya mean, a Niel wannabe? Is he one of the heroes? Can he help us find the material?" Issun hammered InuYasha with question after question, and he was so stunned by the speed of them that he just gave the little man an incredulous look.

"I don't care who this idiot is," Ness cried with a very dramatic moan. "All I wanna know is if this guy means we can stop and feet are sore, and my legs, and everything else, and I'm hu --"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" Issun screamed, finally hitting his breaking point. The green glow once again turned red, and he started bouncing up and down furiously. "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a crybaby! You're supposed to be one of the heroes, ain't ya? Start acting like one, you whiny brat!"

Ness's face turned red and he was about to shoot a retort at Issun, but Anna cut them off with a deathstare. "Will both of you quit it?! This is serious!"

"Oh, would ya look who's talking," Issun spat. "Guess I shouldn't be followin' you and puppy-boy's example, should I?!"

At this point Anna, Ness, and InuYasha all looked like they wanted to stomp Issun straight into the ground. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME PUPPY BOY? I'LL SHOW YOU PU --"

"GrrrOOOW!" Ammy snarled, cutting InuYasha off. It was clear she was irritated at everyone and would gladly cut in half the first person who tried to hurt Issun with her Rosemary.

"Hehe, ya see? Better not go annoying a GOD." Issun's triumphant, mocking voice was not helping matters, but thankfully Zelda spoke up.

"Umm...sorry, but...we should really work on finding the materials..."

Issun looked over at Zelda and seemed to do a double take, but it was hard to tell with his size. "...Heh, sure, princess. I'll stop fighting for you any day..."

The rolling of Amaterasu's eyes was barely perceptible, but she definitely did.

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InuYasha shot a glare at Issun before heading back up the mountain. The heroes followed suit, Anna and Ness shooting glares of their own at the sprite. Issun only stuck out a tongue at them, arms crossed.

"...Dammit, Issun, the little prat...only reason he's still alive is because he has that...that freaking...'Sun God' with him. How in the world they got together I have no idea, but what amazes me even more is how she can freaking tolerate him.That jackass. I should've killed him right then and there..." Ness mumbled to himself, obviously not pleased with the current situation. He stomped up the mountain, fists clenched, ahead of the band of heroes. InuYasha stared in confusion as Ness continued on with his incessant ramblings. Issun only smirked, proud of his impact on the boy.

Fail post is fail. They'll get better...eventually.

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"Looking for the Morpix?" Ryu asked.

"Yeah, the entrance is pretty close to here." InuYasha answered.

"Stupid.... Sprite.... God... grr...." Ness mumbled.

"SHUT UP!" Zelda shouted, punching Ness in the side of the head. He fell over unconscious.

"Who's carrying him?" Lucas asked, which was the usual deal with him and Ness.

"Just leave him, the brat..." Zelda glared at his body until she was a few feet behind the rest, then she followed.

They walked for a few more minutes before InuYasha ran along the wall to get ahead and stopped ahead of Issun. He sniffed the wall a few times, then kicked it. He grunted with pain and grasped his leg, but only for a moment. The wall slowly slid down, revealing a dark passageway, he slowly stepped inside, there was the sound of a small struggle, and then InuYasha came out carrying an unconscious Goron, he was half the size of Darunia, and he carried a massive ball attatched to a chain. InuYasha dropped him on the ground and brushed his hands off.

"The spy..." InuYasha hissed.

"No! It's just Drio!" Darunia dashed forward, crouching over the smaller Goron. "He's been lost from the tribe for years!" He said incredulously, lifting the Goron.

"He was the blacksmith a while back, but he... he disappeared one day." Drio moaned slightly, but didn't awaken.

"Lets just go before more pathetic lifeforms join us!" Issun shouted, and Ammy dashed into the hole.

"HEY WAIT!" InuYasha shouted, diving in headfirst.

InuYasha chased Ammy and Issun through several miles of tunnels, neither of which tiring. InuYasha continuously jumped from wall to wall, slowly catching up to the Godess. Ammy jumped over ab oulder in the path and seized his chance. He used his sword as a polevolt and launched himself over the boulder, landing infront of Ammy. He slid infront of her, slowling down quickly. He pulled his arm back and let spring forward, Ammy's momentum gave it so much power that Issun was hit with a charging Rhinocops tenfold.

The group stood outside the hole, unsure what to do. When a small scream echoed out of the tunnel, the panicked. They recognized it as Issun, if he wasn't with Ammy, then they must be in trouble. Ryu dashed in first, just ahead of Anna, and then the rest. The small figure hit Ryu square in the chest, the force of the figure caused him to stumbleb ackwards, falling on Anna, and Annaf ell backwards, Causing a chain reaction until all the heroes were sprawled out in a row like dominoes.

"I can't feel my chest..." Ryu whined.

"JUST GET UP! SHUT UP AND GET UP! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF PEOPLE'S WHINING!!" Anna screamed, it echoed all around the tunnel, magnifying it to such a volume, they couldn't hear their own thoughts.

"He's telling the truth..." Zelda said quietly. She removed her hand from Ryu's chest. "All of his ribs are broken."

A loud bark alerted everyone, andt hey turned and faced down the long dark tunnel. Anna lit it up with Din's fire, revealing Ammy standing over a bloody InuYasha.

"YOU KILLED HIM!?" Zelda shouted, running forwards and crouching near InuYasha.

"Save your breath, Im perfectly fine." With great effort he heaved himself up onto one elbow. "Why would you be concerned anyways..?" He said, graspng his shoulder.

Even in the dim light he saw her blush, as did Ammy.

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Lolwut...? Issun is barely an inch tall... Da*n, he must've put on some weight.

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Posted (edited)

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Issun screamed as he was literally launched down the tunnels. It was his helmet, made from the touch exoskeleton of a beetle, that saved him from death by the blow. However, once he slammed against Ryu, there was absolutely no saving him for being rattled into unconsciousness, his bones again only spared by the helm.

It was about at this point Ammy snarled furiously and lashed her Rosemary weapon at InuYasha, resulting in the copious amounts of blood now gushing from his body. She only stood over him a second, however, before she ran over to Issun's tiny, limp body, sprawled on the cave floor. The white wolf whimpered and nudged him with her nose.

Zelda, meanwhile, was bandaging up the huge gash across InuYasha's chest, while Anna started working to wrap up the broken ribs; a few muttered spells helped the process tremendously, until almost all the ribs were doing much better. Seeing as Issun had no injuries except an extremely rattled skull, Ammy's solution was to lick him over and over again, trying to get the tiny man to wake up. Having no success, she scooped the green sprite up in her mouth gently and held him there.

OOC: Sorry for fail post. Don't really know what to do... ^^; EDIT: LMAO, FOR SERIOUS, KITTY. XDDD That, or Ryu's bones are made of paper.

Edited by Larvinator (see edit history)

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Cheezus D:

Ness woke up with a great pain in his left temple, he groaned as he rose to his feet, suddenly wishing he hadn't taken off his shoes and socks. His feet were blistered and cold, and they stung badly. He ran ahead through the snowstorm, searching for his comrades.

"STUPID... FRIPPIN... ISSUN... BUG... ZELDA..." He kept muttering, running on.

He eventually got to a half covered up hole in the wall, a silver piece of hair was laying just inside. InuYasha... He thought.

In a blind rage he charged into the tunnel, forgetting his pain and focusing his anger and fury, two images remained in his mind. Zelda, and Issun. He got faster as he got madder, and continuously ran for hundreds of yards before he caught up to the heroes.

But they weren't how he imagined they'd be, they were all strapped to the wall with a silky string... Spider webs?

Ness got a sudden chill as the adrenaline died down, looking around for whatever did this. A small rock falling grabbed his attention, and his gaze averted to the cieling. A massive yellow eye stared back at him, only one.

The massive spider dropped and landed infront of him, shaking the earth. The Queen Unispider roared in Ness's face, blowing his hair back.

"ROOOOOAR TO YOU TOO!!!" Ness shouted, jumping into the air and shooting several burst of PK Fire. The Spider burst into flames an retreated deeper into the caves, wailing.

Ness freed the heroes, and instantly locked onto Zelda. He charged her like a mad Boar, head first. Right before he reached her something snagged his shirt, and he ran in place for several moments before he realized he couldn't breathe.

He stopped and spun around to see InuYasha's face, giving him a death glare.

"Hurt her... And you die..." He whispered barely loud enough for him to hear it.

Edited by Ryu (see edit history)

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The second Amaterasu hit the ground, without even stopping to shake off the spiderwebs, she ran for her Rosemary and Reflector, which had been badly entangled in the web. As soon as she had those resting on her back, she dropped Issun from her mouth and started licking him again. Her whimpers were the only sound in the cave for a few seconds.

InuYasha had finally released Ness, who was muttering words not taught in kindergarten under his breath. Luckily, the boy hadn't noticed the limp Issun yet; if he had, he probably would've set him on fire, which would've in turn prompted Ammy to cut him in half with her Rosemary. Not a pleasant scenario, for certain.

Everyone was still busy cleaning spiderwebs off themselves off when the sprite finally stirred, groaning. "Urrgh...oh, man, my head...hey, why the heck am I covered in wolf slobber?!" he shouted, then rolled over to see Ammy staring down at him, wagging her tail. "Gah! You dumb furball! Ick..."

"HEY!" Ness screamed, all his adrenaline back at the voice of the small man. "STUPID FREAKING BUG! YOU CALLED ME AN EFFING CRYBABY AND THEN YOU HID BEHIND YOUR STUPID-ASS PUPPY!"

"DON'T CALL ME A BUG!" Issun shot right back. He started to bounce up and down out of anger, but quickly stopped. "Aw, crap...headache...ow..."

Ammy gave Ness an unmistakable look of exasperation and disdain, as if to say "Er, yeah, you WERE being a crybaby, please shut up now". Once again, a distraction saved the day, and Ness's deathstare and inevitable PK Fire were halted by the sounds of clicking. Ammy tilted her head to the side and her ears twitched, while Issun bounced up onto her head again.

"What the heck's that noise?"

A flicker of annoyance went through Anna's eyes at the sound. "Dammit. Where there's one spider, there's usually more..."

"Spiders? Man, I HATE spiders! Stupid things almost ate me once..." Issun growled under his breath, drawing his tiny sword from its scabbard. Ammy growled and went into a crouched combat stance, while everyone else tensed up.

Around a corner came a small group of large spiders, slowly dragging the burned carcass of a larger one. It seemed they'd found their dead PK Fire'd brethren and were taking it back to the web to feast on it.

"Nasty cannibals..." Issun grumbled, and it was at about that point the spiders realized they weren't the only ones in that room.


And then the spiders lunged...

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They can't talk... :unsure:

The Unispider's lunge was rather slow compared to InuYasha's.

"DAMN... SPIDERS... I'LL... TEACH... YOU!!!" He shouted, slashing through every spider in sight with his claws. The others heroes looked at him in amazement as he slaughtered them by the dozens.

"Wanna help him?" Claus asked.

"Nah, I think he's got it." Lucas answered.

"Definitley." John said.

They continued to stare until the ground was littered with dead Unispiders, slashed to pieces or crushed to death by the rest.

InuYasha wiped his claws on Ness's shoes, which he took from Lucas.

"GRBBRSNCNJNDCNFIMCWKMCK!!!" Ness shouted, charging forward and snatching his shoes.

A low moan caught they're attention, and they all whirled to see a man approaching. He was carrying a staff in his left hand, dragging it across the ground. He wore grey tattered roabs, and his hair was covered in spider webs, which made him look like an old hermit.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S DOOOOOOOTPOOOOOOF!!!!!" Lucas shouted. The man jumped, and seemed to be having a heart attack.

"Wha- who- Lucas?" He asked uncertaily, calming down a little bit. As he drew nearer the others saw it too.

"ANOTHER!?" Issun shouted, incredulous. Instantly regretting it, muttering something about a headache again.

"No, he'll not be joining us. He's a little hard on hearing, and he's pathetic in a fight. Just leave him here." Anna turned and started down one of the tunnels. InuYasha coughed, and pointed to the one left of it. She glared at him and changed her course.

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Ha! Anna just owned you! Take that!

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Issun and Ammy would be able to understand the spiders.

jksdfghjsdfhgj I'll post after I eat dinner.

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Issun and Ammy would be able to understand the spiders.

jksdfghjsdfhgj I'll post after I eat dinner.

Im pretty sure it's after dinner, BECAUSE IT'S TOMORROW.

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... No one asked you. I fell asleep. >>

"Does your group always respond this badly to change? Jeez, aren't ya supposed to be a team? With all the fighting inside the group, who needs the ONCOMING WAR?" Issun said, making sure to emphasize the part about the war. He sat on top of Amaterasu's head with a smug look on his face, although no one could really tell. They all just stood there for a moment in quiet. Even though Issun was small, his words could really make up for that.

"We came together as a group not too long ago. We haven't really gotten to know each other."

"So? At least dog-boy here and our gorgeous Hylian Princess are getting along nicely," Issun said, grinning.

The two mentioned felt the heat rise into their cheeks.

"We need to be moving along, follow me," InuYasha said, pushing past the others.

"Are you okay, honey?" Issun asked the blushing Zelda as the group started moving again, but she stayed rooted in place. She nodded before making herself walk ahead and follow.

It seemed that Issun's little speech spurred some conversation between a few of the heroes and the past heroes.

"Maybe these guys aren't as hopeless as we thought, huh, Ammy?" Issun said, leaning over onto Ammy's ear.

The wolf yawned and twitched her ear to get Issun off.

"Fine, then... But you've got to admit, the girls in this group are pretty hot..." Issun let out a quiet whistle before Ammy shook her head to get him to be quiet, and also to save him from being flicked across the cave by Link, who had been walking next to them at the time.

Link decided not to, after Issun mumbled abut his headache again to Ammy, deciding that was enough. "Are we close, InuYasha?" he asked the half-demon, as he was leading the group through.

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